Chapter 10: A Rejoin?

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Coinys P.O.V

Ugh. This is getting annoying.  The Speaker Box hasn't said anything for ages.

"Speaker Box?" Asks Firey.

No answer.

"Huh..." Eraser says.

"Well mabye it's just thinking." Donut exclaims.

"How would you know anything, you came in half way through!" Flower says.

"Well, I'm sorry, but that's something that can't change now." Donut says.

"Yeah, but you don't deserve to win, you haven't been here for the first half." Eraser says.

Oh geez, this is getting out of hand.

"How about we vote Donut!" Shouts Flower.

"Guys, we shouldn't do that just because Donut joined half way through." Ruby says.

"I'm tired." Firey says.

"Be quiet Firey." Donut says.

"You can't just tell him to be quiet!" Eraser shouts.

"Guys...please Stop." Woody says quietly.

"Yeah, Firey has rights." I say.

"Oh so now I'm the bad one!" Donut says, raising his voice.

"Be quiet Donut!" Flower screams.

"Guys..?" Woody whispers even quieter.

"Shut up Flower!" Donut shouts.

"You're just sad that Jelly boy is DEAD!" She shouts back.

Woody screams.

We look at him, the room falling silent.

"I'm doing a rejoin." The Speaker Box finally says.

We all looked at him.

"Really?" Asks Donut.

"Yes, so vote who you want to rejon."

The tablet of the people who had  been killed appeared infront of us.

I have to be reasonable here. Who deserves to come back?

I look at the people who had been killed. Tennisball seems alright to bring back, he killed himself, his death wasn't fair.

But he would just do it again, since Golfball is dead.

What about Pen, that would make Eraser happy....but I don't think many others will bring him back.

I'll just vote who I want to come back.

I click on Leafy, and her picture goes darker. I hope I made I good decision.

After a while the tablets go away and It reads the votes out.

Not many people voted Leafy. Only 2.
Which is me and somebody else.

Pen got 5 votes and Tear drop got one. Wow I guess people did want Pen back.

Suddenly, he appeared out of now where, standing on his circle, that was no longer blue.

"Uhm." Pen started.

"Pen!" Eraser said realifed. I guess he really needed one of his friends right now.

"Hey." He said. Something seemed off.
Mabye he's just angry at Blocky. Well Blocky dead now sooo.....

"Good to have you back, now be quiet and stop arguing. " the Speaker box says before going silent again.

"That thing is so annoying." Flower says.

"Not as annoying as you." Donut says after .

"Please don't start arguing again." Ruby says.

Damn. Can't we just get along?

Nobody's P.O.V.

Pen stared off into the distance. Something was indeed wrong. When  he had been killed, he had been out in a dark room with  the rest of the killed objects.

It was small and they couldn't really see anything. They could hear other objects outside. One caught his attention, the one that sounded like a singing robot. Female.

But that isn't the point. He, out of all the people he thought had better standards, had a seconds chance. He wanted somebody more valuable, kind and friendly to rejoin.

At least he got to see Blocky when he was gone. Well, hear and feel him since he could barely see him.

He was confused about one thing, which bothered him a bit, Icecube wasn't in here, or in the place he was. Where could she be?

He had never really cared for her, but it's disturbing to think about. What if it happend to others? He was pretty sure the place he was is above where they are now, but he needed proof.

"Why isn't Icecube that room?" Asks Pen, curious.

"What?" Asks Donut.

"Oh, she is... you didn't see her because it must of been too-" The Speaker Box starts, but Pen inturupts.

"She wasn't in there, I checked every-" But then he stopped.

He couldn't continue. He tried, but his words refused to come out.

He tried, but it wasn't even a whisper.

"Pen?" Asks Eraser, concerned for his friend.

"He's fine, vote!"

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