Chapter 13: The Last 2

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Donut's P.O.V

Wow. In the last 4. So many people have died in the process. I just hope that I can win.

I vote for Flower and sigh.

I hate this. I just wish that the person who wins makes a good decision on who to bring back.

It reads out the votes.

"Pen - 2
Coiny - 0
Donut - 0
Flower - 2."

Oh god..not Pen!

He's going to die! Especially fighting Flower!

They walk to the centre. The Speaker box said go, laughing after. This is not going to end well.

Flower grabbed Pens cap and threw it over in my direction. It went through my hole.

She really is insane!

She grabbed Pen and turned him upside down. She started to scribble on the floor with him really fast.

You could tell he was becoming dizzy. He threw up blank ink as she slammed him against the floor.

But he wasn't dead, by what it looks like he might be able to hurt her!

He stood up shaking. With his last source of engery he grabbed her stick like body and tore it in half. He collapsed onto the floor and in a puddle of ink.

Oh my god.

I wonder how Coiny feels.

Pen was so close! He just needed some more energy. If I win I'll definatly bring him back.

I really don't want to think about how I'm going to win yet.

"Who did you vote for?" Coiny says to me.

"Flower." I said. I'm assuming he And Flower voted Pen, and me and-

"Really? I voted for her too."

That can only mean...Pen voted for himself?

He was willing to give up himself for us?

That makes me feel even more guilty! He felt like he was going to loose anyway!

I feel so bad! I wish he didn't loose.

But it might of been better, so neither of us had to fight him.

But still, that's not right.

Coiny looks at me from the other side.
He looked like he was filled with guilt.

Great. It's down to the two of us.

And I'm certain I'm going to loose.

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