Blooming Love

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As sunlight slowly brightens the room, I slowly open my eyes. In the half awake state, I reached out for my phone to look at the time, it's 6:37 am. I turned to look at my brother and, of course, he was asleep.

I got up and did some stretches. Then i grabbed a towel and head to the bathroom for shower. After a couple of minutes, I got out and saw that Ahmad was still on his bed, sleeping. I decided to sprinkled some water on him to wake him up

"woii, what are you doing!? Stop you ass!" he shouted

"up yet?" I laughed "Get ready man, we're going in a bit."

As he moaned, I threw the pillow to him.

"hmmm. Yeah, yeah, I'm up now." he groaned

I laughed while putting my clothes on. As soon  as I finished putting them on, I grabbed my fedora and head out of the room. I went to the dining hall to eat breakfast.

As soon as I got there, Wan, E-kiut's grandmother, was there already. Her room was beside mine, which was 3 floor below E-kiut and his family. She was already eating. There was also a lot of other people who I don't know, who already started eating and conversing.

As I was just about to sit down, I saw Aisyah's family coming in to the dining hall. She was wearing a pink dress with her pink shoes and purse. All this bright pink is so eye catching, I tried to not stare at her so much but I couldn't help but to look at her every once in a while.

Some families came down quite late, so the ones who were finished eating had to wait either outside or in the lobby. I took photos of everyone doing their things.

Once the rest finished eating, we all head outside. Syahrul told where we're going to go today. He gave us map incase we end up being lost. It seems that we'are going to do a lot of walking today, wasn't what I expected but you know what they say, expect the unexpected.

First we head to a park called Gülhane park. It's just outside the Topkapi palace museum. It's a park full of flowers.

After walking a couple of blocks away from the 'Golden Horn hotel', we arrived at the park. Syahrul told us that we could walk around for a bit because he needed to go to buy tickets for us to enter the Topkapi palace museum.

The ladies got their 'model mode' on and that just means money for me. I took a loads of photos of them posing with the flowers. I also took some family photos and photos of the flowers.

I saw Aisyah taking selfies as usual, so I approach her from the back and got in the frame. She smiled and took the photo. I took a couple of steps back and told her take a photo of me and she did. I don't know why I did that but I just did. I just can't have enough of her smiles. If I were told to stare at it for a whole day, I could and i would.

We all head back to the entrance because Syahrul got the tickets already. Then we all went to the Topkapi Palace Museum. It's humongous.

While walking, I saw that Aisyah and Amri was taking turns in pushing Muhammad who was in his stroller. Well it's hard pushing the stroller going up the hill to get to the Palace.

Once we got in, we were told that we can't take photos of the exhibits, we could only take photos outside the buildings. That, kind of, disappointed me because they had an exhibition for weaponry used for wars in the past.

Aisyah didn't really seems like she was interested in those things at all. So she went to take a walk around the Palace with Muhammad while pushing Muhammad in his stroller with Amirah.

After a quick look through the exhibition, I asked Amri to follow me to take a walk around the Palace. My real purpose was to go to Aisyah but i didn't tell him that.

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