11) Reveal

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"Breaking News, people still don't know about who's Yoon Mirae, the daughter of the most beloved CEOs, but we now know who it might be."
The newscaster announced.
"We have pictures of this girl, people have noticed she's always there with them, they've also have said they do resemble each other, we haven't heard from them, but people are sure that that's their daughter."

They've showed pictures of me near my parents, I looked around the room and everyone was staring at me.
One person came up to me and asked, "Are you Yoon Mirae?"
I slowly backed away, whilst everyone started mumbling.
"Are you?" Momo joined.
I walked backwards to the door.
"RUN!" Tzuyu shouted at me.
I bolted out of the door, sprinting as fast as I could.
I didn't stop, I just kept going. I saw people taking pictures and were saying my 'name'.

I came to an alley way, thankfully no one saw me here. Suddenly a hand covered my mouth, I was unable to shout for help.
"Stop struggling." The person, who was covering my mouth, sounded familiar.
I stopped moving and the hand was removed.
"Chaeyoung?" I turned around.
"Shh, be quiet." She peaked out of the corner.
"We have to hid somewhere."
"Where?" I asked.
"My house, your parents are there too, media will be around your house, it's too risky." She gave me a mask and a jacket to cover up my hair.

Everyone knew by now, people were talking about it in the streets. We finally arrived at Chaeyoung's house, we had no trouble getting there.
"Dahyun!" My parents ran to hug me as I entered the door.
"You weren't followed were you?" My dad asked.
I shook my head.
"It's too dangerous, to go anywhere so I advise you to stay here with Chaeyoung while we take care of this." My mom suggested.
I smiled and nodded.

"We are here at the Yoon's family household, as you can see there are lots of people waiting for the family, but it seems that they are not in." The news reporter said.
Lots of media and other people were there waiting by our house.

"We are still waiting for the family's response, people have been saying that 'Yoon' is not actually their family name, as heard from the students that go Mirae's school."

I sighed, "Now everyone knows that I'm Yoon Mirae, they also know that it's not actually my real name."
Chaeyoung hugged me slightly.
"At least you've got us."
"You guys get some sleep, it's been a long day." Chaeyoung's mom suggested.
We went upstairs to Chae's room, it was filled with drawings and art stuff, I had to sleep next to her since there was no room for me to sleep on the floor.

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