Chapter One :The Mermaid Problem

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 Elizabeth's POV     

     One thousand years later and I am officially ten years old. The rule was that I could see my cousins when I was ten. The only problem was that I had to learn Greek, German, Norwegian, and French. I already knew the last three and had to learn Greek to see my Greek cousins. The day I learned Greek and could hold a conversation, I went to Olympus to visit Aphrodite, she was two hundred years older and loved flowers and the ocean, two things we have in common. When I arrived we hugged and told each other how excited we were to finally see each other.

     After we did that we decided to go to the ocean so I could show her myself as a mermaid. Aphrodite had never seen a mermaid the entire time she has lived on the mountain.

"Oh no the stupid boys are here, we better get out of here," Aphrodite sad solemnly. There on the beach were six boys, they ranged from the ages of nine to twelve. I saw a boy who looked about my cousin's age and looked a little like me. We had the same blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. The only difference was that my hair looked more like a golden sunset, and his looked looked like the sun, bright bright golden.

"Aphrodite, is that boy over there Poseidon?" I asked nervously, he looked more like my brother than a fifth cousin.

"Yes, he is Poseidon, but he won't talk to you, you might be his fifth cousin and a demi-goddess and a mermaid but that doesn't mean he will talk to you," Aphrodite told me, she said that like she wanted to protect me from something.

"Well I have to talk to him my mother gave me very strict instruction that he hold what I need, even if I don't even know what it is," I said with confidence as I walked over to him. As soon as I got near him he jumped into the water and swam away. The other boys started to crack up at this.

"That's not funny and even if you want to hide you know I can still see you right?" I asked him,"I know exactly where you are, you are over the rock, behind the coral and in the seagrass bed, that your mother and my mother planted long ago. Now if you won't come out then I'll come in." I said this very sternly and waited about three minutes. 

I approached Aphrodite and told her," I need my necklace with the shell on it, please."

"Beth, you are going to become a mermaid, right here, right now?" She inquired.

"Yes, I have to pull him up or else he won't ever talk to me; so can I please have my necklace?" I asked her this, pleading with eyes for her to hand it over.

"What are you going to do to him, Little Shrimp, you can't do nothing," one of the boys said clearly trying to make a fool out of us.

"Shush Zeus. Let's see what she'll do before we judge her," The other boy said. This boy had silverish hair.

"Wow, and I thought the Gods on The First World are rude, but you guys are monstrous. You are making fun of me, I am not a full Goddess but I'm part one and I'm also the princess of the First World, and you are making fun of me! Look at your brother, Zeus, He doesn't even know proper grammar and you are trying to put me down. I might not be full like you, but I'm tens times smarter and I live just as long," I told the remaining five boys before I jumped into the water. When I did jump I think I surprised them; I could tell by the shrieks I heard. They are not used to the bright light i think because when i jumped into the water there was a bright light and that was just for my legs to become a tail and my hair to have blue ends and for a crown of pearls, shells, and diamonds to appear on the crown of my head.

"I have to go find Poseidon. Don't gawk for too long boys," I said as I swam away to go talk to my dear cousin.

When I did get to Poseidon, he was sitting in a all in the grass. He looked sad and mad, and I hope I wasn't the one who caused this anger in him. I went an sat by him and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I hope you don't hate me, I just wanted to do what my momma told me to do," I told him.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I ran away. You're my younger cousin and I left you for dead kinda. The boys are brutal to things they don't understand," He said frustrated at himself and yanking on his hair.

"Im fine. I told them off and they screeched like babies when they saw me transform. It was very funny," I told him and his mouth curved into a half smile.

"Okay; can you teleport us back to the beach?" He asked. I nodded my head and he grabbed onto my arm. A flash came and we were on the beach by the boys.

When I got back something was yanked from my neck and then I had legs again. I looked behind me and saw the silver haired boy holding my necklace. I glared at him and he smirked at me.

"Look guys. The fishy wants her necklace back," He said in a mocking tone. He was then tackled by Poseidon, and I stepped on his hand.

"That's not cool dude," Poseidon said. "You could really upset Thor and he will slowly kill you. Now give her back her necklace." He released my necklace and i took it and ran away.

When I got back to the palace I was in tears. Had almost lost the last thing my momma had given me. She told me to have courage and be kind, and to keep this necklace safe. I had done the other two but I had just failed to keep her most prized possession safe from the hands of my cousins. My father saw me crying and he walked up to me.

"What's the matter my little Beth?" He asked me.

"Oh Papa," I cried, "Those mean boys-they almost smashed Momma's necklace into pieces."

"Which ones?" He asked getting angier by the minute.

"The one with silver."

He stormed onto the beach and I sprinted behind him. I was not sure where Aphrodite went, but I have to make sure it's nowhere by the beach. As I ran I saw her and she followed me and my dad. When we finally got to the beach I saw my dad holding up the boy by his neck screaming in his face.


"N-n-no Sir. I was just trying to tease her a-and- I swear I didn't want to make her cry. I just didn't know how to introduce myself-f," He stuttered. He was slowing turning purple and I knew it was time to stop.

"Father, what are you doing to my poor cousin?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I'm just giving him a lesson," He said slowly. He let down the boy, and the boy practically sprinted over to me. He got down on his knees and started to beg for my forgiveness. I picked up his face and looked into his silver eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked him softly.


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