All I want chapter 3

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All i want

Chapter 3

the sun shown through the dark laced curtains.


Day one in the mystery house.

If these were normal circumstances i would be giddy with joy.

i personally love spending the night in new houses, and seening how they make their house unique.

The cool part about it is no

two houses are ever alike.

I decided to put one if the movies that they kept in the room.

The hangover, again something I love, is a freaking amazing movie.

3 to 4 hours later...


I out of the bathroom then...


"what the -?" i looked back and saw a humongous dog! aww! and i'm not even exgarating when i said humongous. It's more than half my size and that's just because its sitting down!



"calm down doggie." I backed away slowly.


"ok, ok, what do you want?" I stopped moving.

woof!' he grunted, dropped something by my feet.

When I looked back up he was gone.

that was weired.

i picked up........

a peice a paper? no wait a letter.

Crista Anya Russe. it read in fancy letters.

I oppened it carefully making sure there wasn't a bomb or something. I watch too many movies.

Again with the fancy writting.

' hello my dear crista. I know you may be wondering. Why me? Or what did I do? Or even what am I here for? And my only answer to you my dear crista is, you are selected for the qualities and abilities you have and have aquired.

So to end this letter short I will see you promtly at 8 tommorrow.

Tommorrow my kitten,


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