Dare for me

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Me:*reads de ask*YESH FREDDY
Freddy:*comes in her room*Whattt!
Me:*tosses them my tablet*
Freddy:*catches and reads*Oh finally and I will get golden while you get spring
Me:Okay :3
*After getting golden and spring together on a date at food place*
Golden and Spring:*takes off the blindfold and sees each other then blushes *
Golden:H-hi spr-ing
Spring:He-ey golden*looks down*
Golden:So How are you?
Spring:Oh I'm good since your here
Golden:that's good
Golden and Spring:*minds:I'm gonna have to tell him*
Golden:*blushes and grabs sprjng's hands*Spring I need to tell you something
Spring:*blushes slightly*w-ha-ts that
Golden:I Love you! I know you won't love me back*looks down*
Spring: Aww But Gold I Love You Too*Kisses Him*
Golden:*gets surprised and kisses back*
Me and Freddy:*highfives each other*We did it
Freddy:This ask was by EmmerNemmer2000 thanks for this ask/dare and don't forget to ask or dare us byeeee

Ask or Dare Me and FreddyWhere stories live. Discover now