High School Part 1

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Derek's POV

I woke up as normal, I got out of bed in my boxers and large shirt and walked over to the bathroom and got undressed and hopped in the shower it was warm. but it hurt cause of the bruises and scars.... I finished up and got out and put a towel on and walked back into my room and pulled out some clothes. A blue and black long sleeve shirt so no one see's my scars on left on my wrists and arms along dark green jeans and my running shoes. I packed my books and papers and all my school needs and put them in my backpack and headed out the door after eating some breakfast which was bacon and eggs and toast. I walked to the bus and got on and sat where I normally sit and I saw Him get on the bus... then my pants got really tight, but i just put my backpack in my lap. I looked at him... his brown hair.. and blue eyes... pink kissable lips...down to his pants.. i wonder how big he is...- Uh! shoot... um.. well moving on, today he's wearing a blue shirt with white lines and blue jeans with holes in them and a leather jacket. I didn't notice I was staring for so long till someone coughed and it was Matthew he was right in front of me and damn was he hot.... he chuckled, oh how I love his voice.. he smirked once i thought that... wait am i talking out loud?! i put my hand on my mouth but it wasn't moving... weird.. then why is he smirking? 

"Can i sit here?" he said pointing to the seat next to me.

I couldn't talk after the last beaten I got so I just nodded... fast... a little to fast. he chuckled again and sat down next to me putting his arm on the seat behind my neck and head... I was sure my face was red as a rose. so i hid my face in my backpack which was on my lap still hiding my boner, he knew my name and I knew his so we didn't need to ask for that.. to be honest I didn't talk to him the whole ride to school. once the bus stopped everyone got out and I ran out cause if I stayed longer then him and his gang will beat me again... so I have to be fast, I ran into class because I already have all my things for class in my backpack. I sat in the back on the window side.. I normally sit here so no one see's me, thankfully no one did.... I only have two classes with him.. I wish i had all of my classes with him...- waitttt he just walked into my class but he doesn't even go to this class! he smirked again... what is up with him smirking at me?! is he even smirking at me? and what happened to his two girlfriends? I haven't seen them all day with him... so weird... he sat next to me and pulled my chair closer to him and he put his hand on my leg and his finger behind my seat and he held my hand.... he kept getting his finger closer to my butt hole... once it got too close the bell rang and I grabbed my backpack and ran out of class and to my next class.

Matthew's POV

My alarm went off and I punched it and it broke... again... I got up and yawned then my mom came in and she looked happy 

"Happy birthday sweetie!" she said. "Mom it isn't my-" I started to say

I looked at what day it was and it is my birthday... today I find my mate, my eyes widened and my mouth dropped opened my mom just laughed and told me to get dressed and she left to make breakfast. I got up just in my boxers and went to my bathroom and looked at myself, a good 10 pack and my perfect face and muscles. I was pretty good looking.. I hopped into the shower and cleaned myself and got out and picked an outfit and headed down the stairs and my mom made breakfast I ate and said bye to my mom and dad and headed out to the bus and once I got on the bus... I smelled the most amazing smell ever, I looked to see where the smell was coming from and saw it was coming from.... Derek.. my wolf yelled "MATE! MATE!

that is when I knew... I found my mate, he was drooling too. he was looking right at me but didn't see me looking at him so I walked over and coughed, he looked at me... and damn did he ever look cute. 

I just chuckled and said "can i sit here?" pointing to the seat next to him and he nodded.. fast i just smirked. 

he put his hand on his mouth. I wonder why.... I just chuckled, I sat down next to him... watching his every move. he looked adorable.... once the bus stopped he ran out I tried to say something but nothing came out my mouth... I got inside and followed his scent but before I did i went to the office and changed all my classes so me and him have the same classes, I went into class and there he was... in the back seat, I went there and sat next to him and my wolf couldn't help it....I couldn't either, he was right next to us and I wanted to touch him so badly.... so I did. I pulled his chair closer to me and moved my hand up and down his leg and moved my finger at the entrance of his butt hole... I was getting very close and almost entered him but the bell rang and he ran out..... again, I followed him but couldn't find him....

Derek's Crush Is His Mate!? (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now