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New York, in the city that never sleeps, you can find much more interesting thing to observe than a random bank, where hard working people are queuing to put their money in safety, but if you look right below the floor. Four young people, Helene and three boys, with clownmasks they are putting down some high tech device. They turn it on and the engine starts making big noise. People upstair notice it and start wondering if something is wrong. The answer becomes clearly, when the machine creates a perfect three meters wide hole in the middle of the floor. The materials just disappears and people fall down from the high less than a meter, so no one gets injured. Those four clowns got upstair with guns and one of them starts yelling ‘’THIS IS A ROBBERY!’’, but Helene disagrees ‘’No, it is not.’’, she then pulls out a camera and asking the others to smile ‘’Cheese’’. Click, a picture of three clowns robbing a bank was taken. ‘’What are you doing’’ ask a second boy of the clowns. ‘’In few minutes, the police will be here and this will be the evidence.’’, answers Helene. ‘’They only have our masks, not our faces.’’ says the one that yelled and points the gun at the Helene’s face.

Helene: ‘’Yeah you are right, but if they catch you right here! Then your face wouldn’t matter, would it now?’

The yelled boy: ‘’Give me the camera or I will shoot you now!’’

Helene clicks on a button of her camera. A giant flash comes out of this not ordinary camera, blinds everyone and put them down on the floor, fainted.

When the police come, they see people sleeping on the floor and the three boys are lying on top of each other with a picture of them on the top. They get caught and no one really know, what happens.

In a side street, Helene takes off her mask and the jacket revealing a cute face, black dyed hair and a few piercing around the body.

‘’You can come out now.’’ she said,. Jack reveals himself from hiding behind a wall.

Jack: ‘’Hello Miss Wayne. How did you notice me?’’

Helene: ‘’I got a device showing the movements of all cellphone in a near radius, and for the past three hours, a same phone was following me around, yours.’’

Jack: ‘’Impressed.’’

Helene: ‘’Why didn’t you call the police, if you knew we were robbing a bank?’’

Jack: ‘’But I also knew that you will be the one stopping them. That is why you went undercover at first, right?’’

Helene takes a moment to realize how much Jack already knows about her and asks ‘’What do you want?’’, she starts changing her cloth to a more gothic style without caring if Jack is looking, but a gentle man like him, of course he looks away.

Jack; ‘’I know who you are Miss Wayne.’’

Helene: ‘’Just Helene.’’

Jack: ‘’Very well.’’

Helene: ‘’What do you know about me?’’

Jack: ‘’You own 80% of the technology researching companies, and you are the inventor or most of the high technology yourself, and is twice as rich as the second and third richest men combined. Yet no one knows who you are, and you live alone. I know that your dad was the hero that saved this city countless times, and you are trying to follow his steps... I admire that very much.’’

Helene: ‘’Not even the government have that much informations about me. How come you do?’’

Jack: ‘’I am from a secret information agency, that knows almost everything. The reason why I am here, because we need you. I know that you are the hidden hero saving this city at night, but the whole world are in danger and we need you.’’

It becomes silence for a moment and then she answers, ‘’Seems like you knew my father, that should earn you a bit trust… Alright, I will meet you there. I putted a track on you.’’

Jack: ‘’A track?’’ he turns around, but Helene is gone.

‘’Like father, like daughter’’ Jack whispers.

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