Part Eight

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"Well, I thought about everything that's happened today.. and I want you to be my..boyfriend." Leo's face lit up, and he took Calvin's hand.
"There's nothing I'd like more. Meanwhile, you need to sleep. We can make out in front of hundreds of people later. Goodbye." And with that, Calvin was alone. What a strange string of events- making out with a guy, doing a presentation with that guy, getting detention for making out with that guy, and then, all of a sudden, BAM, he's your boyfriend. Calvin sighed. Today hadn't been the best, but the past two minutes had probably been the best of his life. The same went for Leo. As he left the Lionheart home, he walked out the front door, not looking back. Surely, Calvin's parents would come around eventually. They all had one thing in common: they wanted what was best for Calvin, no matter what it took. And if Leo had to sneak in through windows at night, or stop talking to him at school altogether to ensure that he was happy, that was what mattered.
The past hour had been so hectic that Leo had completely forgotten about his own problems. Namely, dodging a grounding from his mom. As he walked in the door, there his mother was, sitting on the couch nonchalantly, sipping a mug of tea.
"Where were you, honey? I thought detention only lasted an hour. It's 4." Leo couldn't think of a lie, so he figured he'd come clean.
"I was at a friend's house." At least somewhat clean.
"A friend? Which friend?" His mother asked, sipping more of her tea.
"My friend Calvin. The one whose house I slept at last night." Honesty is the best policy, or that's what Leo figured in a situation like this.
"You've been hanging out with him a lot lately. What about at lunch?" Leo gulped.
"We may have kissed. At lunch." He wasn't scared of a lot of things, but a calm mother when something was wrong was something he feared extremely.
"So he's just your friend?" His mother asked, looking at him expectantly.
"No. We're actually dating.." The redhead confessed. Leo's mother stood up and paced around him.
"So? What'd you do last night? When you two were alone?" Leo knew he was in for it now. No matter what he said, his mother would assume he was lying.
"W-we just hung out. I know what you're thinking, but that didn't happen. I promise." His mother raised her eyebrows.
"Okay, as long as you used protection." She joked. Leo playfully rolled his eyes. "But seriously, babe. No more kissing at school, please. Or you'll be grounded." Leo nodded, happy he got off easily. There was an awkward silence.
"I'm going to go to my room now." He announced, then walked to his room and carefully closed the door. He pulled out his phone. He had one message from Calvin. The first message they had actually sent each other. It read:
'Hey, I'm sorry, but can you call me, please? It's reaallly important.' Leo called Calvin almost immediately.
"Hey. What's up?" Leo asked, scratching his head.
"Well, my parents said that they don't approve of.. you know. Us. They think it's just a phase. I'm really sorry, but I can't be your boyfriend anymore." Leo could hear Calvin tearing up. His eyes filled with tears too.
"I- it's okay. We don't have to be official. I can still come over, right?" Calvin didn't respond for a moment.
"I'm not supposed to let you come over until this whole 'gay phase' goes away. And that's never happening, obviously, so I'm really sorry. I like you, Leo, I do, it's just, ugh, my pare-"
"Calvin, it's okay. I like you too. I understand. I mean, we can still hang out during school, right?" It was depressing, seeing a guy you like for only measly two periods a day. They could still eat lunch together. Hopefully Chloe wouldn't snitch.
"Yeah. We can hang out during science, and gym, and lunch. Maybe we can even sneak under the bleachers sometime. I mean, I've only really known you for a few weeks, but I feel like I've known you forever." Calvin was saying all the things Leo was thinking. Leo's mom knocked on his door as he was about to say something.
"I have to go, but, uh, see you tomorrow. Hope you have a good rest of the day." And then he thought he hung up. "Yes?" He called to his mother, who didn't even hesitate to open his door.
"Were you talking to your boyfriend just now?" She asked, laughing. Leo shook his head.
"Nope. Just my ex." He replied, sighing. What a horribly short relationship. His mother sat down beside him on his bed. She rubbed his back.
"There's other fish in the sea, honey." She said, trying to comfort him.
"But he's the only fish I could ever want." Leo responded, tears flooding even more freely now. They sat there for a few moments, finally feeling like mother and son.
"It's okay, honey." His mother comforted him, then left, shutting the door behind her. Suddenly, Leo heard an odd noise. He looked at his phone. He hadn't really hung up. It was Calvin crying.
"I am so sorry you had to hear that." Leo apologized, feeling embarrassed for the second time that day. That was a record for him. Calvin said there's no need to apologize.
"What you said about me, was really sweet. You're the only fish I could ever want. And I want to make this work. Meet me after school tomorrow. I think I have a plan." And then, Calvin hung up for real.
"What plan?" Leo thought allowed as he relaxed on his bed. It wasn't late, but he was exhausted. He drifted off to sleep slowly, and had dreams of fish.

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