Ch 1: The Eye Of Destruction

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(Narrator P.O.V)

In the busy streets of Tokyo two young boys around the ages of 13 ran as fast as their legs could take emm jumping over tables, walls, etc. you may be asking why were they running! Well it certainly is hard to get food especially when your parents abandoned you. The two had stolen food from a grocery store and bolted, the two boys had gene doing this is since the age of 7 so running was like second nature to em and they were quiet fast as well.

"Go left!" The Carmine haired boy shouted as they made a swift left turn before disappearing into the dark.

The two boys sighed in relief and panted as they were almost caught this time. While they did not like to steal it had to be done. The two boys walked down to an abandoned old church which was pretty much home for the. Although the church did have some holes but it still gave em a roof over their heads and kept em warm.

"A-ah, I think I sprained my ankle" A aqua blue haired boy groaned feeling immense pain shoot through his body, it didn't make it better since they were running for about 14minutes straight.

"Thanks (Y/N)" Gideon said as he felt his brother put ice in his sprained ankle and lay him down on a couch they had stolen.

Due to how tired Gideon was from running most of the day he ended up falling asleep fast the last thing he saw before darkness took over him was his older brother clenching his fist tightly to the point he drew some blood.

"I'll always be here"...


(Your pov)

Man listening to the teacher talk is like listening to some good old ear rape music. Typically I would fall asleep but not today cause if I fall asleep one more time I'm getting expelled, I'm not trying to work at McDonald's.

"So (Y/N), could you tell me what causes the expansion and what are galaxies made out of?" My teacher Ms.Yugi asked with her hands on her hips. I swear sometimes I feel like this woman hates me.

"O-oh, uh I believe dark energy and galaxies are made out of stars, planets, and dark-matter" Damn my stuttering.

"Good. I suggest you pay a little more attention Mr.Aridam." Ms.Yugi said giving me a sharp glare which sent chills down my spine.


Classes have ended and it was lunch time. I usually spend time with my twin brother Gideon who is usually playing the flute which makes everyone around him sleepy. Right now though we were just talking but couldn't finish when a crowd of girls rushed over. Sigh, this happened everyday.

"Sorry ladies, me and Gideon will be having lunch by ourselves today" I quickly said already knocking what they were going to ask. They frowned but nodded and thankfully left.

Me and Gideon sat outside eating our meals but I stopped when I felt someone was staring at us. I looked up and saw the one and only Rias herself staring at me, most boys would be excited but not me, ever since me and Gideon came to this school I've been getting strange vibes from a bunch of people and especially Rias, not to mention I keep hearing a voice in my head that tell's me that she is no friend. Call me crazy but the voice in my head has kept me from dying and getting caught a lot so I'm listening to it.

Rias quickly looked away when I looked back at her and suddenly the vibe is gone.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Gideon asked pausing from eating his food. I quickly nodded and went back to eating.

"Hey I know what'll help you!" Gideon excitingly chirped as he pulled out his golden flute that he'd always carry around. It was gift I had give. To him 2 years ago on Christmas and he still has it, it did make me crack a smile knowing he treasures it.

The Destroyer Of Evil //Highschool dxd X Male Reader//Where stories live. Discover now