Ch 2: Unwritten Memories

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(Narrator pov)

   It was another day of school and most people were walking in the hallway and talking with friends while (Y/N) and Gideon were thinking about the chest game they had with Rias and her peerage. (Y/N) was a little bit stressed out about the chest game he was going to have soon, he wasn't the best at strategy games and never good with chess.

"Damn! Why did I have to choose chess?!" (Y/N) mentally cursed groaning as he sat down on his seat next to Gideon who was looking clam as always.

"Jeez you seem stressed out" Gideon states observing his older brother who had a few sweat drops on his forehead. (Y/N) quickly rubbed his forehead with his sleeves removing the sweat drops.

"Just thinking..." (Y/N) replied as the other students began to walk into the classroom.

"Alright everyone I need you to be silent, we have a new student" The teacher instructed as everyone went silent. Whispers could be herd about if the new student was a boy or girl and if they were hot or not, (Y/N) and Gideon didn't really care and just stayed silent.

The teacher opened the door and in walked in a girl who had long black hair, reddish eyes, a curvy figure and well developed chest. Most of the boys started to have perverted thoughts and were practically drooling over the girl. (Y/N) however was shaking a bit and he didn't know why, the moment the girl had walked in her presence made him a bir scared.

"Hello everyone, my name is Durga it's nice to meet you all and I hope we all get along" The girl now known as Durga said slightly bowing to everyone else.

"Thank you for introducing yourself, please have a seat next to Mr.(Y/N)" The teacher said which made (Y/N) silently curse as the girl walked up next to him and sat down.

"God damn it, why does he get the girl?!"

"It's not fair!"

The boys hollered while (Y/N) tried not to get out of his seat and run out the school. He was getting strange vibes from her and normally the voice in his head would tell him what to do but this time the voice was entirely silence.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/N)" The new girl Durga said smiling but behind that smile was a smirk.

"O-oh, it's nice to meet you as well" (Y/N) replied nervously chuckling. Sweat was starting to form on (Y/N) face again as Durga smiled at him longer but eventually she looked away. (Y/N) was very thankful he felt like he could melt under her gaze.


The intense game of chess between the devil and a god/human, both of them intensely focusing on the board and their pieces. So far Rias winning by one. (Y/N) moved his rook piece, Rias responded by moving her pawn piece which was next to (Y/N) rook figuring that she was planning a trap for him (Y/N) moved his rook back with a smirk chasing Rias to groan.

The game went on for the next 40 minutes with both Rias and (Y/N) down to their last pawn and king left on the board.

"I must say you've done pretty good (Y/N), only Souna has beaten in a game" Rias commend not leaving her eyes from the board.

"Well thank you, I didn't expect to do this honestly" (Y/N) replied moving his king piece

Riser peerage we're watching the two play chess and was quite surprised to find out that (Y/N) lasted this long against Rias and Gideon was no exception to this, he knew his brother was never good at strategy games but here he was playing against of the best in the entire school, only being second to Souna.

"And check mate" (Y/N) chirped moving his pawn piece next to Rias's king piece. Rias and the others were baffled by this outcome especially Rias.

"But how?" Rias asked defeatedly while (Y/N) held a victorious grin.

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