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"Be sure to call me instead of taking the subway home if you stay late at school!" Jackson's mom called from the drivers seat of her Ford Focus.

"I will! Love you mama!" He replied, waving at her one last time.

Slowly meandering through the school, he watched as couple after couple came into sight. Each one ignorant of the world around them, focused solely on their significant other. He was one of the few juniors at this school who hadn't found their soulmate yet, and he couldn't help but feel left out.

He walked to his locker, smiling at his fellow peers. He was in a good mood and nothing could bring him down.

"Hey Jackie! What's up?" Killian, his other friend, said when Jackson got to his locker.

"Not much. I did ride my bike around the park yesterday though! What did you do over the weekend?" He beamed brightly at his accomplishment before returning the question.

"I just fu-found some girls and hung out with them," Killian stumbled around his words. He was well aware of Jackson's innocent world, and always attempted to wade around obscenely vulgar phrases.

"That's good! I hope you all had fun!"

"Thanks Jackie! I'll see you at lunch later!"


"What do you mean?" Jackson's friends all were gathered around a lunch table by the time he got to lunch that day, and they were already talking about something.

"I think I found her, over the weekend," Killian, one of his younger friends, explained.

"Found who?" Jackson's interest peaked, "wait! You mean THE ONE, don't you?! Aww I'm so happy for you Kill! I bet she's beautiful!" His kind words made everyone smile softly, and Killian's cheeks burned pink, not that Jackson noticed.

"She is, thanks Jackson. Her name is Penelope, and her hair is as blonde as the sun! And her eyes are green like the grass." Everyone nodded in agreement except Jackson. He was sitting, and trying to imagine the girl who's hair was stark white, and eyes were kinda dark grey.

His head started to hurt as he tried to connect all these said colors, and he gave up. Sighing in frustration, it was very obvious he was cranky.

"I'm sorry Jackson. I shouldn't have brought it up. It was very insensitive of me," Killian apologized.

"Just leave me alone. My head hurts and I'm tired," He whined, setting his head on a open space on the table. He just wanted someone to love just like all his friends! Instead he was stuck in this dark and dreary life. Finally, the bell rang all the friends separated into their respective classrooms.


At the end of the day, Jackson was still upset with his friends and so he waited until all of them had already left. Rather than call his mom, because he didn't want to bother her, he walked home alone, something he had never done before.

He hummed an upbeat pop tune as he walked along, swinging his arms happily. Looking at all the different stores, he noticed some people had started following him about three blocks back. His humming stopped and a frown furrowed his happy face. Instead of calling someone, he ran into the closest store and ran to the cashier.

"Please let me hide here! Someone's following me and I don't wanna get kidnapped!" He was frantic and out of breath. The guy nodded and pulled him behind the counter and had him squat there, hiding his head. He breathed heavily, and waited for someone to come in, when the front doorbell rang.

"You there! Did you see a young kid run in here? Looks innocent?" A rough voice sounded.

"No and don't come back unless you want the cops called." The cashier said. Jackson sighed in relief and immediately relaxed as the door clanked shut. It was then that he decided to actually take in his surroundings. The man who helped him was covered in tattoos and had a lip piercing. The walls were covered in tattoo designs and pictures of customers' tattoos that the shop did. He had run into a tattoo parlor.

He slowly got up, fumbling with his backpack, attempting to leave as soon as he could.

"U-uhm, th-thanks for the help. I-I'll just l-leave now," his voice showed exactly how nervous he was.

Right as he turned to leave, a guy stepped out from around a corner. As the mystery man looked up, Jackson's world changed and he made eye contact with lilac eyes.

"You might want to wait another half hour before you leave. They might see you leave here."


Hey guys, so the second chapter is now up. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I'd appreciate any feedback or comments that you guys have, so i know how to adjust the story, to make it better! Thanks!!

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