God's view : Peer pressure

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'My son,  if sinners entice you, do not consent. If they sat, come with us let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause...... My son walk not in the way with them, refrain thy foot from thy path'. Prov 1:10-15

Peer pressure is a very serious problem today. Most of us fall victim to this because we don't want to be seen as uncool or unpopular, we want to be part of the 'in people'
This is totally normal, we all feel this way from time to time but we have to realize that as Christians we are different. The Bible says though we are in the world we are not of the world. We are special.
We are ambassadors of Jesus!
We should therefore not associate with things of this world. I know that the temptations will always come but we should stay strong and if we do fall we should ask God for mercy.
The devil makes worldly things look very attractive but like the Bible says the end is that of destruction and eternal sorrow. So next time you are faced with this kind of problem stop and think because things are sometimes so overwhelming that we forget to think!
Stop, take a deep breath and ask yourself,
'What Would Jesus do at a time like this'
This is because Jesus is our perfect example, he shows us the way. Pray too when you are tempted by friends and if they keep trying to make you do things that go against your faith, get new friends!
Your friends should not be a source of temptation but a source of encouragement.
I pray that God will give you wisdom as you go through this stage of life in Jesus name, Amen.

Love you all,

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