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Why do humans forget things? I think It's because we forget the things we don't care enough to remember. Like if you hate homework, then you might not remember to do it over the weekend, but if you play a sport and your big game is coming up, then you'll probably be counting the days down, well, that is if you enjoy the sports you play or maybe you don't play any.

If this doesn't apply to you and you're the kind of person who forgets everything then I guess I'm wrong, or maybe you're the kind of person who remembers everything, who knows, surely not me.

I'm the kind of person who remembers everything important, school work, memories, and other things like that. I really don't like it sometimes and I know what you're thinking, how can remembering everything be bad? Well there are somethings I would rather forget, some memories that should stay buried in the past, some people that I never want to see again.

In this case, that memory, that special someone, that something that I'd rather forget was Hannah Hudson.

From the moment I saw her I knew, without a doubt in my brain that she was her. The same bright sparking blue  eyes and happy aura that just seemed to brighten an entire room. The same soft smooth light caramel skin that glistened perfectly... in my opinion at least. Her hair was still the same shade of light golden brown that changed dark brown during the winter, only longer, down to her mid back. She still had the same drop dead gorgeous features, high cheek bones, flawless skin, almond shaped eyes. The one thing that was noticeable was the incredible height difference, I stood at a whooping five foot three while she was probably at least five eight, give or take.

She looked exactly like I remembered, only prettier, if that was even possible. There were a couple differences thought, she was obviously taller and more ... Yeah. She obviously works out now.

It baffled me how someone could be so perfect, so beautiful, there was no way I could forget. Hannah however must've felt differently, because she doesn't remember me. It makes me wonder if I was just not important enough to remember, it wouldn't surprise me, I'm really not much to look at.

Between my constant baggy clothing and always keeping my hood up, I guess no one really paid attention to me, besides my best friend Cici, and that made sense, I was really quiet. It's not like I wanted to be noticed anyway, I wasn't worth being noticed.

I'm not surprised she doesn't remember me, it has been eight years since we last saw each other, but was I really that insignificant to her? She meant the world to me, that's why I remembered. I guess the feelings weren't returned.

--------------------------- (End of prologue)

Whoop!! That's the first part done!! Please do tell me if there's anything I should add or fix. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is valued. If not any of that, just tell me I'm a horrible writer and I should eat tidepods. Jk jk, I'll stop being deressing now.

Fickle out!!

Bye babes.( ͡°3 ͡°)  Baiiiiiiiiiii

( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)

Edit: So I just realized I said, "Dressing" instead of, "Depressing"

Imma keep it like that cause fuck English. (I'm lazzyyyyyy)

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