Chap 4

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    Another strange feeling for Larry, Sal signed , what was wrong with Larry. Why Larry helped him? Thought Larry was unpleasant... Sal started to wonder himself until his mind became complicated, then he grabbed his blue bunches by both hands and bent down. That was what he did when he felt confused. Sal might have no idea that he was in class and his reactions could show a lack of concentration which made miss Jenna unsatisfied.

-Sal... is everything ok?

- I... I am sorry, everything just fine...

Sal suddenly jumped and soon turned puzzled. Everyone in class stared at him but Larry...
    The bell went off and helped Sal out of that situation. Todd suggested Sal to come over his house for studying and playing some video games. Sal completely agreed, he didn't have anything to do, anyway, he wanted to do something to distract thoughts about Larry in his mind.

-Sal Fisher... right? I need you to do something for me, please!

It was Molly, she looked anxious, she said that she had to return some books to the school's library but she also had to go home then, her dad was being in bad condition. Sal nodded, he received those history books from Molly. Sal started to wonder why Molly asked him while she had a lots friends but Todd might have understood... Todd didn't say anything except one word:

"Good luck!"

Sal still didn't get it.

Sal stopped walking when he saw the large room with many bookcases and computers inside. He went ahead to the librarian's desk but there was no one.

-Hey, I'm here!

It seemed to be a female voice calling Sal from a room behind the librarian's desk, the door had already opened.

- M... Mandy?

Sal entered, another large and luxury room.

- I'm sorry I have to meet you by this way... I don't want you to get any problems so I told Molly to bring you here

- That's fine...But why?

- She want to say thank you

A male voice came from the left of Sal.

     An attractive boy with deep blue eyes and blond hair which was quite familiar to Mandy, he stood up and went ahead to Sal's place then a smile... he was as tall as Larry.

- I'm Andrew Garfield and thanks for saving my sister too!

- Sister? -Sal asked back.

- Yeah... Mandy Garfield, my sister and also grade 11th leader just temporary but we pretend to be lover to prevent her from the others !
Sal was surprised and shocked too, he didn't know what to say, this was the first time he had been in such a strange situation like this.

- What are you doing here?
Said Larry.
Sal turned around and he saw Larry coming into the room.


- This is room for Leaders only, not for normal students! - Larry started to complain.

- Don't be selfish like that, Lar~

Mandy said with a soft voice, glanced at Larry.

- He's right, I shouldn't be here...

Sal faked a smile and ready to leave, Andrew stopped Sal for a minute just to give Sal his phone numbers. Larry felt uncomfortable when he saw that.

   When I came back my apartment I realized that someone was following me, I stopped right in front of the door then slowly turned back.


- Don't you have to scream like a girl?

-Why... are you following me? What do u want???

I asked doubtfully and a little scary.
Larry moved closer to me, so close that he might have heard my hard breaths. His smell made me comfortable but strange too. His muscles arms blocked two sides of me not to let me escape when my back touched the door.

-Delete it.

- Wa...What?

I couldn't understand.

- Andrew's phone numbers, delete it now!

Suddenly, Larry bent down and whispered in my ear.

- Or you will regret it...

Didn't know why but my face started turning red.

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