cheating part two √

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You sniffled softly from the cold as you walked into the school, it had been a long weekend and you weren't in the mood for confrontation on why you hadn't talked to the gang

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You sniffled softly from the cold as you walked into the school, it had been a long weekend and you weren't in the mood for confrontation on why you hadn't talked to the gang.

It wasn't there faults, they weren't the ones caught kissing Jackie, so for that reason you decided to just ignore those two.


I walked to my locker slowly my backpack hanging from my left shoulder lowly, I could basically feel my bad mood radiating off of me, I opened the metal box containing all my books, and other things I store in here.

Suddenly I heard someone come up behind me, I already knew it was Steven, I grabbed my world history book and slammed my locker shut, I walked away without even acknowledging him, I really didn't feel like crying right now.

"Y/n listen to me please, let's talk!" Steven basically screamed drawing attention to us, I gripped his wrist and dragged him into the janitors closet. "Talk about what?!" I basically screamed, the tears welling in my eyes, "I never believed people when they talked about you, I said you were different, I gave you a chance" I whispered as my voice broke.

"Baby, please I'm telling you, she kissed me!" I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but anger and sadness, "how can I believe you" I asked covering my face as I started full on crying, the tears rushing down my face.

He pulled me into a hug. Which I really needed.

After cleaning myself up, I stared up at him, "where is she?!" I asked, he grabbed my hand and brought me into the gymnasium, the cheerleaders were currently doing cardio.

"JACKIE BURKHART! Get your ass over here!" Steven screamed causing me to laugh a little, as Jackie got closer I could see her worried face become scared.

"I don't care about what happens after this, no fighting or anything, did you kiss Steven?" I asked stepping closer to her, she took a deep breath, "yes, I kissed him, he didn't kiss back though" she whispered, "okay" I said and walked away while grabbing Stevens hand.

As soon was we stepped in the hallway all I did was stare at him, before I could get an apology out he kissed me, and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy you finally know what happened" he breathed out and pulled away from the hug, kissing me harshly.

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