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Ruka sat up, letting the thin blanket pool around his small waist as he rubbed his small fist in a circular motion, trying to ward off the sleep threatening to take over him. He slipped out of the creaking bed and made his way over to the tiny dresser that was sat in the corner of the run down room. Ruka pulled out a few garments of clothing and his favorite worn out gray beanie and cautiously made his way over to the peeling white door. He wrapped his small hand around the knob of the door, twisting it and slowly pulling open the groaning white door.

Ruka stuck his head out of the door and turned his head right and left to look through the dark hallway. Once he saw no signs of life, he padded his way across the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him softly. Twisting the knobs, Ruka made the temperature just right before stepping his nude form into the shower. Ruka brought the cloth up to his body, spreading the smell of peppermint over his frail body since it was the only smell he could ever use.

Once he washed his body along with his hair, Ruka wrapped the towel with holes gaping through it around his waist after stepping out and turning off the water. He dried himself and softly tugging the black long sleeved shirt along with the boxers and baggy jeans on and over his body. He slipped the grey beanie on his head, tucking all of his hair in. After brushing his teeth, he made his way to the front door and slipped on his black converse, deciding not even trying to sneak even a tiny piece of food out of the house.

He stepped out of the house with his worn out back pack, shutting and locking the door behind him. He slipped the key in his pocket before making his way down the steps and onto the side walk.

As Ruka walked on the wet pavement, He couldn't help the calm feeling that spread all over his body and hit him directly to his core. That feeling, however, morphed into fear when he noticed he reached the place he dreaded being at.


Ruka went through his school day like normal. Get beat before school, go to classes, get beat again at lunch, continue classes then go home. He was lucky if he didn't get beat before school but he never went unharmed during lunch, but something was different this time. As Ruka sat down in the smack center of the class room in his desk, he locked eyes with the tiger that sat across the room.

The green-eyed boy was called the tiger because like the ferocious animal, the boy never backed down from a fight and unlike most of the boys who fought, the tiger always watched his prey with intelligent eyes that never once strayed from his opponent that and he never once lost.

The tiger was seated in his chair with his right leg over his left, his muscular arms draping over the back of the chair with a bored expression clouding over his face. His muscular yet lean body was dressed in a loose dark maroon button down shirt that have the first three buttons unbuttoned which was tucked into a pair of black jeans with black low topped vans that hugged his feet perfectly. Ruka almost groaned at the sight of his hair. He just wanted to run his hands through the tiger's jet black hair that almost looked like blue which always sat on the top of head in a "i just rolled out of bed" kinda way.

Ruka looked away with a dark blush spreading over his entire face and to the tips of his ears when he realized he stared far too long when he met the eyes of the tiger who looked slightly amused before his eyes flickered back to the bored expression he once had. Ruka shook his head and pulled out his things as the teacher walked in, beginning the lesson.

As class droned on, Ruka jerked in his chair as it was kicked from behind. He ignored it and continued to do his work, but grew annoyed when it was kicked over and over again, making the notes he was writing become sloppy and the chair screech. The person behind him let out a loud scoff and grabbed the beanie, snatching it off Ruka's head. Ruka's eyes widened as he heard the class gasp as he stood. Everyone gasped at the boy who had straight, naturally white hair that stopped right at his waist. what a freak, Ruka heard someone whisper as his eyes glanced across the room. He quickly snatched his beanie from the frozen bully and raced out of the room with tears rushing down his cheeks.

Great now people will think of me as more of a freak than before, Ruka thought as he ran in the direction of the bathrooms. Ruka pushed open the dark blue doors of the mens' room and locked himself in handicap stall, crying his eyes out in his small hands. Ruka was extremely sensitive and he could never stop the tears that would fall down his cheeks at even one sad thought.

The sixteen year old froze as he heard the bathroom door open and the sound of the squeaking shoes against the boring white tiled floor. Ruka peaked up from his hands, watching the pair of feet stop in front of the stall. He flinched and tried to hide even farther in the corner of the stall, if that was even possible. He jumped when his backpack landed on the floor and was kicked into the stall. He grabbed his bag and stood up, reaching for the stall's handle when he heard the bathroom door slam shut. Ruka quickly unlocked the stall and ran out of the bathroom, looking around for the one who brought his stuff.

Ruka's eyes widened and he froze as he stared at the back of the tiger. As the tiger walked farther and farther away, Ruka snapped out of his daze and caught up with the tiger, taking hold of his maroon shirt. Ruka watched as the 6'4 tiger turned around, staring into the 5'2 boy's light blue eyes.

"t-thank..." Ruka didn't know what was wrong with him. It seemed as if he was hypnotised by the beautiful forest green eyes that had golden flecks dancing in them.The tiger simply chuckled, which was a surprise because he never showed emotions, and pet the boy's head before turning on his heels and walking away. Ruka reached up and touched his head in shock. He...touched my head...

Ruka burst through the school doors, not even caring if school was out or not and ran in the direction of the forest. He dodged all the branches that got in his way and hopped over all the logs and roots easily. He knew this place like the back of his hand and has since the age of nine. Soon enough, the cliff came into view and he stopped, setting down his back pack next to the old oak tree and walked towards the cliff. Ruka stood at the edge of the cliff looking at the rushing waterfall that ran across from him.His white hair teasing the sides of his face as he held out his arms, snapping his eyes shut. Here it was peaceful and he loved it. He felt free.

Ruka's beautiful blue eyes opened slowly and he slowly put his arms down and stepped even closer to the edge and without a second thought or a moment of hesitation,

he jumped.

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