Chapter 4

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The Store

Lucy's POV

"TO THE STORE" I  chirp and point to outside. "Lucy, we need to get our disguises or else those boys will catch us" Levy-Chan sighs. "Yes, and then we can get strawberry cake "Ezra says happily running over to her draws along with the other girls.  I grunt but run over to my closet. 

3 minutes later 

"There, now can we go to the store?" I ask impatiently. "Mhm lets go then." We all run out the door excitedly. Oh how I cant wait to have my chocolate fudge.  We were walking into town when we spotted our favorite store we start to split up and get groceries.

20 minutes later brought to you by the hungry four

"Yes finally done" I giggle. I had just gathered the last of the groceries and was about to head to the girls so we could go home and eat. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw two boys heads who I thought look familiar. I decided to take a closer look once I do I gasp in shock. Its the raven haired and blue haired boy from yesterday. We gotta go now.

I run back to the girls with hands full of groceries. I was panting heavily as I approached the three other females that were standing waiting for me. "Lucy? it looks like you just ran a marathon" Levy says. "Well it sure as hell felt like it" I manage to say. "Why were you running?" Ezra asks. 

"I saw two *pant* of the boys *pant* that Juvia and Ezra were fighting yesterday they are *pant* here right now" Oh god that was hard to say. "Oh crap. then we have to go now" Juvia blurts and runs off as we all follow into the forest.

2 long minutes later of running with handfuls of food

"Finally we made it" I hear levy inhale and then sigh "Home sweet home bitches" she grins.

"I cant stand anymore my legs" I collapsed on the couch. "to much running?" Juvia asks giggling. "Hell yeah more like I'm to out of shape for that" I groan. "I thought you were going to say to 'old'" they all laugh I soon join in to. 

After they put everything away and Lucy catches her breath

"Phew. I'm going for a walk guys I'll catch you later" I say waving and running out of the house. I need a walk so I can train, or take a dip in the lake and maybe practice the new magic I was learning. Plus now I can think right with the fresh air hitting my cheeks. I inhale millions of different smells through my nose and they are all pleasant. this is why I love the outside I smile slightly. 

I walk for nearly an hour and a half away from the house to my destination. Once I am there I start to strip and throw my clothing over a tree branch. "Ah nice and warm" I jump in the small lake and the cold water hits me like a brick. I shiver then I hear a rustle in the bush only to see...

Natsu's POV

Oh jeez I feel like I'll drop dead any minute now. Thanks Lisanna much appreciated. "Where are they others Gajeel?" 

"They ran away by the looks of it," He sighs and walks off. Well I guess its just me then. I grab the files and start to read them. Okay I can not read this shit, I'm so tired that I cant see a single letter they all look like black smudges on a piece of paper. I growl lowly. Lovely lets just do something else then. Suddenly and Idea popped into my head and I walk out to the destination.

It was an hour until I got to the forest. I was going to walk my usual way but then I thought that would be boring. So I started walking through the trees on the right instead. This side is so much more calming. The sound of the birds and waterfalls in the distance was soothing. The view was spectacular, I was roaming around for 30 minutes then my eyes laid on to a small blue area. Maybe I could play skipping stones or something. I walk over and go through the bushes once I'm out I see..

A wonderful view of blue water in front of me. I walk  over and take my shirt off and shoes then I jump in leaving my pants on. Oh this is to cold for my taste. I start to use my heat and boil the water quickly. I close my eyes and rest my hands on the sides. "Hey Natsu-kun I didn't know you would be here, what a surprise" a voice giggles. Great, the one voice I did not want to hear has come once again today.

Lucy's POV

As soon as the bush rustled I ducked my head under the water hoping that he was just passing, but nope he jumped in with me and heated the water. Steam was emerging from the blueness. I raised my head up hoping he wouldn't see me so I could breathe. Then out of the blue another girl walks over. OH MY LORD CAN I NOT HAVE A DIP IN PEACE WHAT'S NEXT YOU GONNA BRING THE WHOLE TOWN OVER? She starts talking about something I don't listen to and I start to  growl lowly. 

Natsu's POV 

It was peaceful till she showed up, looking over at her I see her speaking to me. I just ignore her until I hear a low growl. What was that? I look over to where it was and my jaw drops open..

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story love

Mia your writer

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