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Kelvin was a handsome boy, no doubt, everyone agreed. Even his teachers. He was very light skinned with small facial features. The only feature on his face that seemed to be noticeable was his mouth, as it was pink without the use of any lip product and full and round. He was tall and he had muscles which protruded from his arms. All the girls at Darrington High School agreed that he was the most attractive boy in school. In fact, many of them blushed and giggled excitedly whenever they saw him and looked for any means possible to be close to him. He was also quite brilliant, as he always represented the school in quizzes and inter school debates.

Kelvin had many friends. He was courteous and polite to teachers, to girls he was a dream come true, and to boys he was a good friend. He was in SS3, the final year of secondary school and he was having the time of his life, everyone thought. Every one just loved him.

But no one knew that at home, things weren't going so well for him. He kept it a secret, as he couldn't bear to have anyone know. He dreaded the end of the day at school because that meant he had to go home and face- well, certain things. Sometimes after school hours, he wasted time under the Casuarina tree at the back of the school, near the staff rooms, just trying to stall going home. People thought it was for no reason when they saw him there. Or some thought that he was waiting for a girl. Perhaps his girlfriend. But no one knew the truth because he rarely spoke about his home issues.

He was in his class, discussing with some of his classmates when the head boy, Tolani Ajayi, came to call him. "Kelvin, the principal wishes to speak to you in his office."

He laughingly pulled himself away from his mates, and followed Tolani outside. "Why?"

"I don't know. But-" Tolani looked like he was going to say something else. Then he shook his head. "Good luck, bro."

Kelvin went to the principal's office, wondering why he was being called. He was surprised because when he arrived, he found Mrs Iribiri, the Economics teacher and Mr Peters, the Mathematics teacher present.

"Take a seat, Mr Omotunde," Came the principal's deep gruff voice. The principal, Mr Alex, was a short, round man. He had his signature deep voice which the students feared and he was a strict disciplinarian, but he was also loved by the students, as he was a friendly man.

Kelvin took the seat opposite the principal's desk. His heart was beginning to beat a little faster.

"Now," The principal began. "It has come to my attention that some items were stolen from the staff room. A watch, a phone, a wallet, a purse and a laptop. These were taken yesterday after school. Do you know anything about it?"

"No sir," Kelvin shook his head.

"I was told that you hang by the tree there sometimes after school hours. Did you hang there yesterday?"

"Yes sir but I didnt-"

Mr Alex interrupted him. "Why were you there in the first place?"

"Sir-" Kelvin was lost for words. His mind was racing. "I can assure you that I am not the thief."

The principal stared at him coldly. "That does not answer my question."

Kelvin stared at the ground. Was it time to come clean?

"Mr Peters, call in Destiny Idahosa," Mr Alex ordered.

Destiny was a small short boy. He was in art class. He wore round rimmed glasses and made nervous gestures.

"Repeat what you told me again," the principal said when Destiny finally arrived.

Destiny, now in front of them all, explained what he had formerly told Mr Alex. Kelvin Omotunde was behind the school, he had seen him there, the previous day. He entered into the staff room with a bag and came out with something heavy inside it. Kelvin looked suspicious, Destiny said, and as he left the school building, the bag shook and he saw the laptop inside it.

Kelvin was appalled.

"Sir, its a lie. A blatant one to frame me. I didnt do it-"

"Be quiet, Mr Omotunde. Send in Richard Omoni and Kelechi Eze," the principal said.

When the two boys came, they narrated their own part of the story. They too, had seen Kelvin with a heavy bag coming out of the staff room. Kelvin's head burned. He had never been accused before of stealing and he wondered why the three boys were trying to frame him.

"Sir, I was the only one at the back of the school, yes, but I never went into the staff room. Or stole the items-"

"Mr Omotunde, stealing is not an offence I take lightly in my school-"

"I know sir-"

"This is a very grievious offence and you will have to be sent home right now. Tomorrow you will bring your parents and this case will be properly discussed."

Kelvin looked at the floor. He knew there was no argument he could put up again. His head seemed to be spinning. Everywhere seemed surreal.

"Okay sir," He managed to say.

"Mr Peters here, will escort you to your class where you will pick your things and go home. For now," Mr Alex added.

"Okay sir," He stood up, Mr Peters following at the back of him.

By the time he got to class, everybody had already heard what happened and were eagerly discussing the topic in groups.

"Oh, poor Kelvin."
"Did he really do it?"
"I guess he did..."

Kelvin could hardly think. He grabbed his school bag and trudged away from class, his classmates and mates from other classes, watching his every move and whispering anxiously. Dry old Mr Peters following behind him.


Keep reading to know what happens, I love you guys sooooo much. Thanks, and kindly vote my story if you like it.

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