Thank You ~ King Dice

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Warning: a little bit of cussing

It had been two years since you had been caught trying to steal from The Devils Casino.

You were already struggling financially, but after your father passed away, you were left with essentially nothing except the clothes on your back. You did a lot of odd jobs, trying to at least earn enough money to afford food. But since not a lot of jobs were available, you had to resort so something you were very hesitant about. You had to steal.

For a few months, this worked. Although you didn't  really enjoy breaking the law, you had learned to be sneaky enough to steal cash with ease. Eventually, you became cocky and decided to try and steal from The Devil himself.

You didnt know doing this would change your life.

The Devil had an insane amount of money, so naturally there was a lot of surveillance around. Although you were trying your best to be stealthy, it wasn't long before you were caught. You were caught by The Devils right-hand man, King Dice. You had heard many stories about this man and his incredible luck with gambling, and you vaguely thought he was rather attractive. After pleading with him to spare you, King Dice decided to offer you a job. You took that offer with no hesitation, if it meant you could keep your soul you would gladly do anything.

Although it took some convincing, The Devil eventually agreed to letting you work for him. He figured he could just take your soul if you went out of line. So, here you were, serving drinks to the scum of Inkwell Isle, quite often being hit on or just full on groped. You hated your job, but it paid well and you were still alive, so you didn't complain. Besides, there was one benefit to working there. Since you started working there, you made friends with King Dice. He'd often visit you during your shifts, chatting and laughing with you and driving off anyone who got too handsy with you.

Slowly, you began to fall for him, and you hated it. After a particularly bad experience with a past lover, you promised yourself that you wouldn't ever fall for anyone again. Yet, your heart skipped a beat whenever Dice smiled at you, and your cheeks would heat up whenever he'd laugh at one of your jokes. You were totally in love and you hated yourself for it.

After certain events involving two boys and a deal, the casino was shut down. You had found Dice beaten and unconscious, so you took him to your apartment and tried to tend to his wounds. When you were done, he opened his eyes and looked up at you.

"Ugh..(y/n)? Where am I?

"My place. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit..Damn, my head hurts.." He tried to sit up, but he doubled over in pain and fell off your couch. You quickly came to his side and helped him sit back down.

"How did this happen?"

"It was them kids.. Don't know how, but they managed t' get all the contracts. I tried t' prevent 'em from seein' the boss, but.." He sighed.

You instantly felt pity for him. He was always so composed and charming, but right now he looked utterly miserable. Hesitantly, you hugged Dice, being careful not to hurt him. At first he stiffened at your touch, but he instantly wrapped his arms around you, and you felt hot tears fall down onto your shoulder. You two stayed like that for what seemed to be an eternity before he pulled away and slowly pressed his lips against yours. Although you were shocked at first by this, you quickly kissed back, savouring every moment.

After a while, Dice pulled away and looked you in the eyes. "(y/n).. I don't have much to give you now but... You wanna go out?"

You didn't speak, you just smiled and nodded. King Dice smiled back and and pulled you in for another kiss, this one shorter and sweeter.

"Thank you, dollface."



This might not be that good, I haven't written anything in a while so I'm kinda rusty, but I really hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!


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