Mangosteen ~ Clueless

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Another request from SlyHarley21!
This character is named after a fruit and that's honestly so funny to me I don't know why
When you first started working at the casino, nobody really paid you any mind. Although you were in your late twenties, you were pretty naive, due to an extremely sheltered life. You didn't know much about gambling, or anything, really. So, you found it difficult to fit in with your coworkers because you had essentially nothing in common, and they didn't exactly make you feel welcome. Well, except for one.

Mangosteen was, for lack of a better term, an oddball. When you first started work, he was the first and only person to actually try to get to know you. You had to admit, some of the things he said were a bit odd, but overall you thought he was a good guy. You two talked more and more as time went on, and you even started hanging out outside of work. It was around this time that he started complimenting you.

At first, it was only once in a while, but he eventually started complimenting you everyday. You thought that he was just being nice, but there was this feeling in your stomach that you got every time he said something sweet to you. It was a feeling that you had never felt before, so you couldn't quite describe it. Your face just couldn't help but heat up whenever he called you beautiful.

One evening, you two were both on break, so you just sat together, chatting and laughing. Once again, Mangosteen paid you another compliment, this time about how cute your laugh was. You felt your cheeks start to burn, and you bashfully thanked him.

Mangosteen sighed and looked you in the eyes.
"Well, I was hopin' you'd take the hint, but it looks like I'm gonna have to be direct with ya."
You were confused. What did he mean by that?
Your question was answered when Mangosteen leaned over and pressed his lips against yours.

Your eyes widened as you realised what you had been feeling all this time. When you did, you immediately kissed him back. When the need for oxygen became desperate, you pulled away.
"Whaddya think, (y/n)? Do ya wanna go out with me?"
Eagerly, you nodded your head.
Mangosteen smiled and kissed you on the forehead.
He looked up at the clock hung up on the wall. "I'd better get back to work. We'll talk later, doll~"
He gave you one more kiss on the cheek, winked, and left the room. You sat there, grinning, excited for the days to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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