Peter parker

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"Peter I can't do this anymore ok?! I can't just sit around wondering when you'll be back! Your never around anymore your always off doing something for my father!" You yelled with tears in your eyes.
"(Y/n) please just-"
"No Peter you had your chance." With that you stormed away.
You sat on your bed crying to yourself when you heard a knock on your door. You looked up to see your father Tony with the most pained look on his face. He walked over and say on the edge of your bed and pulled you on to his lap. He stroked your head and you cried into his shoulder and told you it was going to be ok.
A couple of weeks past and you were feeling much better. You dad had let you stay in the tower for two reasons. One you were his daughter and always wanted to keep an eye on you and two you were the best secretary in the whole world.
Speaking of secretary you were currently doing your job running paper work to the lab when you saw Peter at the other end of the hall way. You could tell he had already seen you so there was no turning back. As you past each other there was a bit of an awkward silence in the air but you shook it off quickly after passing him.
You dad was in the lab as you dropped the papers on to the desk. "Hey (y/n) could you take this up to Peter for me."
You almost chocked on the air as you began to stutter.
"Why me why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm working. It's not like you care anyway right you said you were done with Peter right?"
"Y-yeah of corse." So off you went with the new piece of tech for his suit in hand.
You knocked on his bedroom door after  hearing a come in. You stood frozen in place as you and Peter silently looked at each other.
"Mr.Stark wanted me to give this to you." You stretched your hand out and as he took the object your hands touched. You blushed lightly before turning around to leave. As you were on your way to the door you felt a hand on your shoulder. You were spun around and you felt a pair of lips on yours before you knew what was going on.
Peter pulled away and you noticed the tears in his eyes and the crack in his voice as he spoke. "Look (y/n) I understand that I was never around but I'll make things better I promise please I just....I-I-I need you." You pulled him into a hug.
"I missed you to Pete." You giggled as he kissed your nose and then you kissed his lips.

Peter Parker/ Tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now