Tom x reader

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Who does what

Who the more childish one: It's tom, come on guys we all saw this coming.......
You were in the living room one day watching a movie when you felt something on your shoulder. Thinking that it was just tom putting his hand on your shoulder or something you put your hand in top of it.
Your eyebrows knitted together when you felt fur under your fingers. You looked over to see a rat, so naturally you threw it on the ground screaming. Only then did you realize it was fake. Tom sprung out from behind the couch laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.
Who sings with headphones in when the are 'by themselves' who catches them: You were in your kitchen headphones in rocking out to (f/s). Tom had just left to get groceries so you thought it was ok to belt the song out at the top of your lungs.
Using a wooden spoon as a microphone you continued to dance until you turned on your heel spinning only to face your boyfriend.
"What are you doing here?!!!!"
"I forgot my wallet but, please do continue, I'd hate to interrupt." He smirked.
Who said I love you first: Tom.
Your best friend since high school Tom was hanging out for the weekend since he was around for filming this new movie.
"Man (y/n) when did you get so short! I mean did you shrink or something!" He joked. You growled, he knew you didn't like it when he joked about your height.
"That's it!" You slapped him with a near by pillow send him toppling over the side of the couch. Which started a pillow fight.
You laughed so hard you didn't see the pillow coming for you face and you fell to the floor. Tom ran, quick to pin you down. "Say it (y/n)!"
"Say that I'm the better pillow fighter! Or. I'll. Tickle. You."
"No!" You shrieked as his fingers tickled your stomach. He stopped for a minute a smile etched on his face. He looked down at your lips for a moment. "(Y/n)?"
"I think I'm madly in love with you."
"Good." You brought your mouth to his smiling the entire time.
"I love you."
Who is more sarcastic: YOU ARE.
"It's really cold in here (y/n)"
"Nooooooooo! I'm burning up over here!" You said lips blue as you huddled closer to your boyfriend.

Who steals the blankets: Tom

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