Chapter 1

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Josh Pov

    I had just pulled into the driveway of my dorm building when I hear someone screetch my name from inside. Moments later, Joel (Rogue) bursts out of the front door and runs to meet me at my car.

"JOSH! HOW ARE YA PAL?" I get out of my car and hug him tightly.

"Hey dude! I'm doing pretty swell. It's great to be back."

"Ditto on that one." I look up and guy with dark brown and bleach blonde hair is standing in the open doorway.

"That's Alex, aka Slippy. He's new in the dorm." I nod and wave to him. He waves back and disappears back into the building. I open the trunk of my car and scoop my bags out.

"Wasn't Glitch supposed to come with you?" Joel asks, holding the door to the dorm open for me. I nod.

"Yeah. He got really sick last night and my folks wanted him to stay home until he's better."


"They'll be dropping him off late this week, so he's not missing much." I walk through the common room and up the stairs, heading to my mini "apartment," and throw my bags on the bed.

"Hey Josh!" I turn to see Erik (RKD) standing in the doorway to my room, smiling widely.

"Erik! God, it's great to see you."

"How were the States my friend?" I laugh, thinking about how un-seasonally warm Washington state was this year.

"I've got one word, hot." He raises an eyebrow.

"Really?" I nod.

"Yeah. It's was in the low to mid eighties most of the break."

"How was your summ-" I was interrupted by Joel yelling up the stairs,

"YO! IT'S TIME TO GO TO THE DINING HALL BOYSSSS!" I look at Erik and laugh.

"Race ya down stairs!" I takeoff down the stairs.

"Hey!" He yells after me. "You got a false start!" I streak past Joel and Alex, who were standing in the doorway, and trip on the curb the outlines our little driveway. I'm sent sprawling, the wind knocked out of me as I make contact with the ground.

"Josh! Are you ok?" Joel shouts from the doorway, jogging to me. I nod and give everyone a thumbs up.

"Yup! Just a little winded." Joel gives me a hand up and the others join us on the driveway.

"Alrighty, let's not do that again yeah? We can all agree," Alex states, smiling widely. We all  laugh.

"Yeah, let's not." Erik checks his watch.
"Maybe not, we got two minutes to get to the hall before we're marked late." I curse.

"Let's go then." I take off running, my dorm mates close at my heels.

Vanessa Pov

    My sister and I enter the building marked 'dining hall' that one of our dorm mates, Danyka, had pointed us to. She had said that she and Cassandra had to go set up some activities for after our orientation. I smile widely as I walk into the vast hall, looking up at the sloping ceiling. A guy with close cropped black hair bumps into me, catching me by the arm before I can fall.

"Shite. Sorry about that." I shake my head.

"No biggy."
"What's your name? I've never seen you around here before."

"It's Vanessa. My sister, Veronica, is over there." I gesture to my sister, talking with some other students.
"We're Twinz." He nods.

"I'm Noisestorm, alias Eion. Wait, other way 'round. My name's Eion, alias is Noisestorm." I laugh, taking an open seat towards the back of the room and he sits next to me, my sister sitting next to me a minute later. Eion explains that Monstercat is going to come up momentarily and give his speeches and rules and the like. The door slams open behind me and I turn to watch four guys stumble in, out of breath and panting.

"Too much celebration, eh boys?" Eion calls to them, smiling. The leader, a tall guy with dark brown hair with a sea blue streak, answers,

"Maybe a bit." They sit in the open seats next to us. Before I can ask their names, a man in a black suit, complete with a purple tie walks up onto the little stage in the front of the hall.

"Welcome, both new and old students. My name's Mike Darlington and I'm the principal here at Monstercat High School. Before we get started,  I just want you to keep Glitch in your thoughts this week as he got sick and could not be here to open the school year himself." A quiet murmur of disappointment floats up from the crowd.
"I know that this assembly is going to be boring without him, but I do urge you to stay awake, especially you new students." I laugh a little.

"I've just got some rules and regulations for you then you'll be allowed to go explore campus." With that he launches into the rules.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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