Scroll 1: "Becoming a ninja"

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"Focus your Chakra and do it again" Kakashi Sensei said I nodded then out up the Tiger hand sign and focus my chakra then put my right hand out and rotated my chakra into a ball making it a Rasengan "yes!" I shouted then mashed into a tree snapping it in half

"Good your training in done for the day" Kakashi Sensei said walking up to me as I caught my breath "When can I learn a new Jutsu" I said catching my breath "I know you have a lot of chakra because of the tailed-beast but your regular chakra in running low so save your energy" Kakashi sensei said

"Alright....." I said sighing knowing that I've always listen to Kakashi Sensei when it comes to training "Go home and rest for now tomorrow is your graduation test correct then you need to save your chakra" Kakashi Sensei said

"Yes sir" I said and started walking home as soon as I got home I went to my room and sat on my bed putting up the tiger hand sign then I closed my eyes focusing my chakra 'got it' I thought then tried to remember the hands signs

'Tiger - Dog - Bird - Horse - Tiger Hidden Secret Jutsu: Chakra Beast Chamber' I thought focusing my chakra then I opened my eyes and want in reality but inside and dark room "the secret jutsu my father made up to gain or store chakra" I mumbled looking around

"Hmph Chakra scrolls" I thought about to grab one but lightning shocked my body knocking me back crashing into a few things knocking me out 

After awhile I woke up in the hospital with a medical ninja healing me looking at me worried "You used your fathers Jutsu didn't you" A familiar voice said and I turned in pain looking at Kakashi

"Now didn't I tell you to rest" Kakashi said sounding a little mad but with worry in his voice I then turned and looked at the ceiling "I'm sorry Kakashi Sensei I should have listen to you" I said then closed my eyes as the medical ninja did her best to he'll me "This is all my--"

I couldn't see it but I knew she stopped and couldn't heal me anymore it felt like I heard her falling but I don't know why my body quickly moved own it's own and I caught her then opened my eye

"Fault" I said sadly then sat the medical nin down then for some reason I felt dizzy and passed out once more

[Next Day]

I had a headache all morning but can't remember why so I just shrugged it off and headed towards the academy 'today's the graduation test' I thought making a fist smirking "Time for me to finally become a ninja" I mumbled

As I was walking towards the academy I best friend walking "Hey Naruto!" I said catching up with him "hmm oh hey Akari what's up?" Naruto said looking St me as I caught up with me

"Nothing much" I lied I knew there was something wrong "Today is the we finally become ninjas" I said putting my hands behind my head in locked fingers "Yeah and were going to be the best Believe It!" Naruto said smiling

"Hmph" I said smiling "Your something else Naruto" I mumbled "huh?" Naruto questioned "nothing" I said then we got to the academy and took our seats after a few more students came class started

"We will now start the final exam when your name is called proceed to the testing room the final test will be on, The Clone Jutsu" Iruka Sensei said then I notice Naruto freaking out in his head and tried to calm him down

"Don't worry Naruto your going to do great Dattebayo!" I said giving a thumbs up "yeah I am you too Believe it!" Naruto said giving a fist bump "yeah I believe it" I said fist bumping him smiling

"Next Akari Uzumaki-Sarutobi" Iruka Sensei said "Good luck" Naruto said giving me a thumbs up "you too Naruto" I said smiling returning a thumbs up then walked into the room

"Okay Akari I know Kakashi has trained you well but you still have to make at least three clones graduate" Iruka Sensei said and I nodded with my hands to my side 'Clone Jutsu' I thought making three solid clones to were you can't even tell the difference

I thought it would be fun to trick the two sensei's so me and my three solid clones ran around in a circle as Iruka Sensei was writing something then when he looked up he was confused and so was Mizuki sensei

"Huh?" Both Sensei said in sync shocked on confused I laughed from behind the cloned the released the Jutsu both Sensei's blinked a couple of times before shaking it off

"Well I'm surprised Kakashi taught you we'll Graduation you graduate!" Iruka Sensei said smiling handing me and dark-ish blue leaf headband I bowed before taking it then tied it around my forehead "feels good to wear it" I said smiling then Iruka Sensei chuckled

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