Scroll 2: "Teammates"

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I heard a knock at my bedroom door but I ignored it and tried to go be too sleep "Akari wake up unless you want to be late" Brother Asuma said and I quickly sat up "oh no what time is it!?" I said to myself and heard my brother chuckle from behind the door

I then quickly got up and got dressed and said my good mornings and good-byws to my family and headed towards the academy as I a jogging I was tiring my leaf village headband around my forehead and smirked running faster with my arms behind my back

I made it to the academy just on time too and took my seat only a couple students 'glad I came before Sasuke's number one fangirls' I thought sighing then right on I heard heavy footsteps coming from the door and looked over to see Sakura and Ino

'How come Ino likes Sasuke and not me what's so special about him I beat I can beat him right here and right now' I thought getting up and walking past his group of fangirls then I saw Naruto beat me too it

Me and Naruto are best friend while I like Ino Naruto likes Sakura but both Ino and Sakura like Sasuke and we can't seem to find out why

As of right now Naruto and Sasuke we're basically having a glaring contest until some idiot named Yori bumped into Naruto making him fall towards doing the unexpected accidently kissing Sasuke

"N-naruto...." I questioned shocked then they pulled apart spitting on the floor then I felt a bunch of killing instinct behind and Naruto notice as well looking over "Naruto.... You are so dead" Sakura said from behind me cracking her knuckles

"I'm not apart of this" I said scared then ran back towards my seat sighing in relief but then stared at the wall knowing what was coming for Naruto after Sasuke's fangirls got their hit on Naruto Iruka Sensei came in and everyone settled down and took their seats

I looked over to my left and Naruto got it bad then Naruto St me with betrayal and I mouth the word 'Sorry Naruto' and focus on Iruka Sensei

"As of today your all ninjas to get her you faced difficult trail and hardship but thats nothing what comes next will be far more difficult now your only Genin first level ninjas all Genin will be grouped into three man squads each squad will be led by a Jounin and elite ninja" Iruka Sensei said

'Three man squad huh? That means they would want us to have teamwork then hmph whatever' I thought shaking my head "We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities so that's how we set it up" Iruka Sensei said then looked at the papers in his hand

"I will now announce the squads" Iruka Sensei said and I payed more attention "Squad 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno" Iruka Sensei then was interrupted with Naruto cheering and Sakura sulking "Sasuke Uchiha" Iruka sensei finished then it reversed Naruto was sulking and Sakura was cheering

"Squad 8: Hinata Hyūga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame-- Squad 10: Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara.... Choji Akimichi" Iruka Sensei said "and finally Squad 11: Yoru Sumiko, Misayo Nara and Akari Uzumaki Sarutobi" Iruka Sensei said "Those are all the squads" Iruka Sensei said

'Hmph this is going to be interesting' I thought smirking "Iruka Sensei why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group as a slug like Sasuke!" Naruto shouted standing up pointing at Sasuke

"Sasuke had one of the best scores out of all the graduating students" Iruka sensei started "Naruto you had the worst" Iruka Sensei said the most of them class laughed "To create a balance group we put the best student with the worst student" Iruka Sensei said then cleared his throat and the class quieted down

"After lunch you will be meeting your Jounin teachers until then class dismissed" Iruka Sensei said then we all got up and left I wasn't really hungry at the moment so I decided to go the training ground and worked on my TaiJutsu against a tree and damage it pretty bad

"Hmm oh hey Akari what are you doing here?" Misayo asked walking up from behind me with Yori "Training, what do you to want?" I asked looking at them then went back to hitting the tree

"since we're on the team I thought we should at least get to know each other" Misayo said I sighed and stopped hitting the tree and leaned on it with my arms folded "Alright fine" I said annoyed

"Alright thats the spirit I'll go first then!" Yoru said pointing to himself

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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