Chapter 12

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April 16, 2018
<wow this is really a long day😂💔👏>

9:02 pm

Soo jung sighed when she was finally done with her hair as it took her a long time to find the most suitable hairstyle for her dress and make up, she took last glance at herself on the mirror before she picks up her high heels from her closet. A loud groan left her lips when she saw the high heels covered with a layer of dust as it had been unworn for a long time. However she quickly wiped the dust and cleaned her high heels as it shined again reflecting the lamp's light.

Soo Jung went downstairs while carrying the high heels in her hand but stopped midway when she saw her brother standing tall and proud in front of his mother while she fixes his necktie to suit his tuxedo.

Soo laughed a bit thinking of how Sehun who is going to take care of a whole company still can't do his necktie to himself. Her laugh tho it's not that loud made all the heads turn her direction, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at the girl. Mrs Hwan put her hands on her hips and titled her head a bit, her expression turned to confusion as she stared at the dress.

"where did you get that from? It seems expensive."

"Probably from her secret admirer.." before the words come out from Soo Jung's vocal cords, Fuyuko who laid back on the couch while watching TV as boredom was obvious on her face had to butt in "if I were you I would have returned it, who knows what he might ask for in exchange."

"Still she's so lucky to have a person that gives her anything" Hyunjae was sitting at the end of the same couch as Fuyuko. She pouted and folded her arms across her chest as her tone was filled with obvious jealousy. Fuyuko looked at her and a weird smirk spread on her face, finally Hyunjae is showing her real self, "it's unfair."

Soo Jung took a deep breath and closed her eyes, fighting the urge inside her of how much she wanted to yell at them telling them that he's not like how they think but worse. No she has to keep it a secret or she will have to deal with one of two reactions, either things get messy more than how it already is or she will be blamed for anything that happens later.

Suddenly the last message from that creepy person appeared in front of her closed eyes, somehow a smile spread in her face as she will finally meet him but is that for real? Is he really gonna gave himself up like that? But as Fuyuko said what does he want exactly?. Sehun smiling at his mother who returned the smile proud of her son was the first thing Soo saw when she opened her eyes.

Everyone flinched when the doorbell echoed in the house as it took them few minutes after staring at each other with questionable faces none of them dared to move. Mrs Hwan giggled a bit when she noticed how weird and gloomy the atmosphere became. She fixed her shirt and hair before she goes to grab the door knob, she would be lying if she said that she didn't smile expecting to see her precious son Baekhyun tho she knows that he won't come back ever again but the moment she twisted open the door her jaw hang open as her eyes were wide almost popping out its socket.

The person who stood in front of her eyes had the same features as Baekhyun, she blinked to prevent tears from forming as she processed what's happening, the next thing she knew she was engulfing him in a big hug as a bear holding onto his prey but she cared less.

"Um hello Mrs.."

As soon as Hyunjae heard his voice she shifted her gaze from the boring TV towards the door but the only thing she could see is the wooden door facing her. She looked over Sehun and Soo jung and their reactions were completely different.

Sehun was in complete confusion, his brows crushed against each other wondering why would his mother hug a strange boy out of nowhere, he already had thousands of thoughts but he didn't want to believe in any of them as he know that his mother isn't that type of filthy women who would get married and have children secretly behind them.

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