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Chapter 1

As soon as I heard that, I ran. I ran from the front of my house to the end of the street to the crosswalk. He lived a couple blocks away. Would it be the same house? Yes, I'm going to guess it was because I saw a moving truck, turning in.

I ran faster and finally, I got to the house. They turned and Justin comes out from the passenger seat. Or I guessed it was Justin. He had the same dark brown hair and the same beautiful green eyes, but he looked taller. And handsomer. He looked a bit shocked I was there.

"Carmen," he said breathlessly.

He voice had defintely changed since the 7th grade; it was deeper, more masculine.

"Justin?" I say-ask.

He comes towards me and hugs me. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's you."

"I know," I say, hugging him back.

He had muscles. And I felt his abs on my stomach. I smile. We break apart and smile at each other.

"Wow," I say. "So you're back."

"I am," he replies.

"Justin!" his mom calls. "Help with some boxes before school!"

Justin sighes and goes to help. I drop my bag and decide to help too. We round the back of the truck and I picked up a box. Justin and I head inside the house and now, it's seems so empty. He goes to his room and sets down the box and I set down my box too. I look around and Justin puts his hands in his back pockets.

"Empty, huh?" he asks, breaking the silence.

I nod and give a wry laugh. "Yeah, it is. We had so many video game battles in here."

He laughs at the memories. "Yes, and as a matter of fact, when my Xbox is unpacked, I will beat you."

"I doubt that," I say, looking at him. "I was always the reigning champion."

He smacks me upside the head. "We'll see."

"Ow," I say emotionlessly.

"That did not hurt," he said.

I shrug. "How do you know?"

"Because I know things," he says, as if it were obvious. "C'mon, I need my bag from the moving truck and then I can take you and me to school."

"Are you even registered?" I ask.

"Yeah," he said, as we head out of his room. "We've been here for 3 days but we just went to LA for more boxes. The rest of the boxes are in the living room right now."

"Hmm," I mutter. "You've been here for three days and you never thought to call your best friend."

"Carmen," he said sing-songy.

"No, I understand perfectly," I say sarcastically. "I see, I see."

"Carmen," he said, spinning me around to face him. "I lost you number. I'm sorry."

Our faces were so close and I looked into his perfect eyes. "Okay."

"Your eyes are still that same pretty brown," he says, on our way to the truck.

"Pretty?" I scoff. "More like boring."

I pick up my bag from the driveway and he gets his from the truck. We go to his car. I text Scarlett.

Getting a ride from Justin. C U @ skool.

I get in his car and try to make conversation. "So, why'd you move in the first place?"

I never knew the reason really. One day, he showed up to my house steps and said he's moving, kissed me, then got in the moving truck and left.

"Carmen," he sighes.

"What?" I ask, annoyed. "You never told me a reason and you kissed me right before you left. Then, no contact for years. I need to know."

"I moved because my mom got a job offer she couldn't refuse," he said.

"Oh," I say.

It seemed so simple. A job offer. But I knew that there was another reason or maybe he was lying to me ... Why would he lie? Especially to me?

My phone chirped and it was Scarlett. Okay. (;

I put my phone away and Justin drives into the parking lot and parks. I click my seatbelt and get my bag. He catches my arm.

"Wait," he says.

Wait, what? Is he going to tell me the truth? What was wrong?

I turn." Yep?"

"You forgot something," he said.

I raise an eyebrow. "I did?"

He raises my phone, which must have fallen out of my pocket. "Here you go."

I take it and shove it in my bag. "Thanks."

I get out of the car and so does he.

"Wait, that wasn't what you forgot!" he calls.

I turn. "It wasn't?"

"Well, it was but you were missing that and also this," he said, coming towards me.

"Also this wha-"

I was cut off by him planting a kiss. On my cheek.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"When I left I kissed you, it's only fair I kiss you now that I'm back," he says.

"Well, when you left, you kissed me on my lips," I remind him.

He looks at me and smiles. "Don't push it."

"Well, I'll take what I can get," I say.

"That's right," he said. "Oh, and by the way, you wouldn't happen to be free on Friday?"

"Why?" I ask skeptically.

"Cause I'm back," he said. "My mom planned a coming home dinner."

"Oh, sure," I reply. "Sounds fun. I'll text you and you'll text me the details. I got to go."

I saw Scarlett and go towards her. "Hey, what's up?"

"You," she said. "Cozying up with Justin?"

I blush. "I'm not 'cozying up'. I'm being his friend. Scarlett, we were best friends in the 7th grade."

She raises an eyebrow. "Carmen, it is written all over his face that he likes you."

I blush harder. "He does not."

I look at him and he was talking to Brad Freeman, the quaterback. Being all buddies with him. Then, he looked at me and I looked away.

"He does not," I confirm.

Scarlett laughs. "You need to see the way he looks at you."

"I see just fine," I protest.

"Yeah, okay," she says. "Now, come on. First day and I don't want to be late."

I follow her to math and give Justin a longing glance. Was it true?? Oh, well. I go to math with Scarlett and suddenly Justin was following me.

"Why are you stalking me?" I ask, turning around after a while.

"I'm not," he said confused. "I'm going to math."

"Oh," I blush. "Well, come on. I think I have math with you. And by the way, Scarlett thinks you like me."

A faint blush creeps up on his cheeks. "I do not."

Somehow I believed different...


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