(11) Escape

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Mitsuko POV

I'm still stuck here in this room and I feel like I'm dying. It's still silent, still boring and very irritating.

I wish I could see someone other than my family.

I wish I could go plant some flowers. I wish I could do something even remotely interesting.

Instead all I can thing of is when I'll be able to get out of this room. After all, I've been in here for two weeks.

It makes me realize how much I regret going to see Madara that night and yet...at the same time I don't.

I want to see him again, again.

I got up and walked to father's room.

I knocked on the door and stood there waiting for father to open.

The door creaked open and as soon as he saw me he frowned.

"What?" he said.

"I've been stuck in my room for two weeks now."

He stared at me,"So?" he said.

"Can I go-"
"No," he said before closing the door.

I rolled my eyes. Why was he being so stingy with me? I was tired of being here I just wanted to go outside just once.

I landed on my bed again as I stared at the window but soon got bored and went into the kitchen. My two sisters were playing with each other and I sat there staring at them.

Why.Was. I. So. Bored?

I almost felt like fainting. I felt as if I would blackout in any second.

I had to escape. There was nothing else for me to do.

I had to leave this place so I could go outside but I couldn't do it now. I could do it tommorow or tonight and sneak outside. It all depended on if they would catch me in the act.

I felt my heart beating just thinking about it. I could imagine father's face if he caught me but I could also imagine the happiness I would feel if I did leave.

It outweighed the worry I felt.

I could do it tonight. I could escape and leave and enjoy the outside world.

I smiled before heading to my room and waiting through the boring day.


It was night time and I was ready to go outside and I was just about to go out the door when I heard a noise.

*cling cling cling*

My eyebrow rose and after sitting there for a couple seconds. I headed to the doorknob and twisted it but it didn't open.

My eyebrow rose and I tried again.

Did he just seriously lock the door on me?


How was I supposed to get outside if he locked the door?

I looked around before staring at the window and sighing.

I'd have to jump through the window and somehow make a way to climb back in.

My window wasn't far from the ground so if I stood on my tippy toes I could probably climb back in. The problem was leaving the window open. I didn't want anyone to go on a rampage in my room.

I shrugged it off and decided to go outside anyway.

I jumped outside the window in a hurry and walked outside. I walked down the street and twirled and twirled as in the first time in two weeks I could feel the wind blowing against me. It was a great feeling.

I ran down the dirt path and to the flower shop I had been working at. I wondered if I would still be able to work here after I was ungrounded.

I shrugged before continuing to run around until I made it into the forest. I crossed my fingers and walked into it hoping with all my heart Madara was there. I needed someone to talk to.

I walked through the forest and when I made it to the lake he was nowhere in sight.

I sighed and sat by the lake.

"So you are here?"

The deep voice hit me like a ton of bricks and my head turned quickly to face his.

He stared down at me with his black emotionless eyes and his black long hair swayed side to side as he sat beside me.

As soon as he did I smiled.

"I'm happy you're here," I said.

He scoffed,"Of course you are,"
he said.




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