•°• Chapter 3 •°•

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The next day I woke up to my dad surprisingly making waffles in the kitchen, I was so used to it only being me in the house at this time so it was an odd change.

"Hey... dad. Whatchu doing there?" I say as I enter the kitchen and saunter up to him.

He looks up at me when he realises my presence and let's out a chuckle. "Hey girly, I'm making your favourite,, waffles with ice cream topped off a drizzle of syrup." He says happily whilst he bustled around and proudly presented two delicious looking meals. He then brought them to the dining table and I immediately sat down and tucked in.

"So... how comes you're here? Not that I don't like it.. I'm just wondering."

"Ah, no I understand." He says with a small smile on his face. "I've been given time off from work for a while, so that means that I can spend more time with my favourite person." He reaches over and gives my hand a squeeze, which I return to him.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask whilst popping another spoonful of creamy goodness into my mouth.

"That sounds wrong I'm so many ways." Piper says disgustingly.

"Shut up." I say in response.

"I bet you wish it was Killion's creamy goodness in your mouth instead." She teases.

"Piper!" I squeal.

"Well you have to get ready for school. But uh, I'm going over to Grammys, to check up her." He says whilst taking both his plate and mine to the sink.

I let out a dramatic cry and sink down in my seat. "Boy, you'd think that school would be closed today, since we were only attacked by the strongest and most deadliest Alpha known to man yesterday." I ignore the look my dad gives me and I carry on. "You'd think that these people had at least a little bit of remorse but no, it's back to that shithole again."

"Language." My dad says sternly but he shakes his head and chuckled all the same. "You need these grades angel cakes. In order to get into the type of job that you want, you'd need to be on top of all your classes."

I slump my shoulders and let out another sigh as I push out my chair and begin to trudge upstairs. "Fine. I'm going. Look, I'm walking up the stairs."

Once I get upstairs, I beeline straight for the bathroom and take the longest shower known too man.

•°• •°• •°•

School was a drag as usual. Everyone found out about me being taken by the Alpha and Beta and was asking a thousand and one questions before the principal had to tell them to lay off of me.

I was sat at the normal lunch spot with my two best friends Alissa and Alex. Alissa was one of the hottest girls in our year. She had beautiful cascading golden curls which she normally kept in a high pony tail on top of her head for school and fair skin with big brown eyes. She had an eyebrow piercing, a nose piercing and her ears were all pierced up. I was always jealous of her about that, my dad had said I can't get any piercings until I'm 18 so for now I'm just stuck with the boring one on each ear. She was a couple inches smaller than me and always dressed for school in collared shirts, jeans and a pair of vans. She had all the popular jocks lusting after her but she was strict on saving everything for her mate when she finds him.

That's how I was aswell, until I found out who my mate was.

Alex was the captain of the baseball team. He was quite tall at 6ft3 which I used to find slightly intimidating at my 5ft7 height but after seeing Killion being 6ft8 he didn't even compare. He had short brown hair which he kept in a quiff using a lot of gel. He was quite built, with muscles that girls swooned over and he had bright light blue eyes which I used to love but after seeing Killion's sapphires ones, nothing else could ever top them. He was the funny popular kid and everyone loved him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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