It's Going To Be Fine | Loki

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loki is one of the 4 characters that are actually dead so this is for you baby

requested by Tamii-toThalia__Grace, and --Lacuna--


Thanos gripped you by the next and shoved you to the ground. You grunted, feeling pieces of glass bite into your knees. You slowly lifted your head to see Loki standing a few feet in front of you, painfully watching. 

Thor moved behind you. Thanos grabbed him, too, and got him on his knees, too. 

He looked right at Loki. "Pick one to die," he ordered. 

Loki glanced up at him. "I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me," he said. "Pick. One."

Loki just stared at him, mouth slightly agape. He shook his head.

"If you don't choose, I will choose for you."

"I..." He looked at you, and then at his brother. 

"Pick me to die, brother," Thor half gasped. "You know it's right."

"Thor, no," you half whispered. "It's okay."

"I can't," Loki said, voice pained.

Thanos chuckled. "Fine. Then give me the Tesseract."

Thor shook his head. "He doesn't have it," he said. "It was destroyed on Asgard." He looked up in defeat. "Pick me to die, brother."

"No," he said. He held his hand up. In his palm appeared the glowing blue cube. You squeezed your eyes shut, half relieved and half upset. "Here. You may take it. And with it I give you my utter loyalty. I will serve you, mighty Thanos, and I will aid you on your quest."

Thor sighed. "You are the worst brother ever."

"With utter loyalty?" Thanos asked. 

"Undying," he said. He walked over to him and placed the Tesseract in his palm. 

Thanos crushed it. In his palm, among the shards was a small, thick stone. He picked it up and placed it in the guantlet. 

He squeezed his eyes shut. You pictured the power running through his veins. You felt fearful. 

"And with it, my undying loyalty," Loki said. He stepped forward, and you saw the knife in his hand.

Before you could comprehend what was happened, he was moving his hand forward, his arm was frozen, and Thanos was unharmed. 

"No," you whispered. "Oh, Loki-"

"Dying loyalty," Thanos replied, shaking his head. He reached up and grabbed Loki's arm. He cried out in pain.

"Please don't!" you said. 

Loki was lifted off his feet by Thanos's large hand around his neck. 

"No!" you cried out. 

Loki looked at you. His face was turning red and purple. Still, he smiled at you. "Everything... is going to fine," he said. "It's going to be fine." 

"Loki," you breathed, falling forward on your arms and legs. You started to sob. 

"I love you," he rasped. Thanos squeezed harder. Loki looked at him. "You will never be a god." With a crack, Loki was hanging limp. 

You screamed as his body was dropped right in front of you, eyes frozen on you. Thor roared in pain and crawled forward, laying partly on top of his brother. The pain in his voice was more than you could stand.

It's going to be fine.

But you knew that it would never be fine again.

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