No Matter The Cost (part one) | Loki

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took this down to add some things, so it is slightly different. i'm sorry for the inconvenience again, but i just had to rewrite it a little.


The exact moment you fell in love with Loki Laufeyson was the exact moment your eyes met his.

There was something that drew you to him. Somehow, you sensed that by being near him, you were safe. And that was a fair assumption, considering he was intent on keeping you safe from all harm.

He fell in love with you in the same moment you fell in love with him. The first few times you made and effort to meet him, you were terrified. Loki just wanted to speak to you, to convey the feelings in his heart, but you knew that even him doing that would unleash the wrath of your father that no one could withstand.

"Loki Laufeyson," you said. He had just places his hand in yours. You jerked it away, terrified. What if your father saw-

"Just Loki," he said, flashing a mischievous grin. "Do you not feel the same I feel?"

"I... can't," you told him. "If my father-"

"I will keep you safe," he said. He grabbed both of your hands and lowered himself to his knee. His lips pressed against your knuckles. "No matter the cost."

"And if that means that you are killed?" you asked, voice strained, "because you will be murdered."

"So be it."


I will keep you safe no matter the cost.

Those words stayed with you during every painful moment as you sat at the foot of your father's throne. During every execution, every session of torture, every time you had to watch your sister Nebula get torn apart, piece by piece...

If your father knew of Loki's presence in your life, he would undoubtedly kill him. You weren't sure if he would kill you, but there was a chance he would torture you. Maybe you would become like Nebula, and be more machine than person.

You were your father's favorite, but that didn't pardon you from punishments. And Loki surely wasn't pardoned because he had an army. No one went against your father and lived.

As you watched your sisters duel, you hid the pain in your heart. It pained you to know how desperate Nebula was to win and how that made her weaker...

"Good, good, Gamora," your father praised his other favorite from his throne. Gamora had just twisted the metal arm right out of Nebula. "Excellent work. I think it is safe to say you have won this battle."

Gamora tossed the metal limb away and Nebula crawled to it, provoking your father to laugh again. You looked away, unable to see Nebula's face of despair. In a matter of hours, she would be put through torment to make her stronger. Torment by the hands of her own father.

You hated him.

Gamora took her place next to you at the foot of the throne at the same time the Other approached, bowing before your father.

"Master," he said, "Loki Laufeyson has returned and requests to speak to you."

"Very well," your father said. "Bring him forward."

You straightened a little where you stood as Loki walked up the steps leading to the throne. He wore his golden armor and green cape; his skin looked pale and sickly, but you weren't surprised. When your father took hold of someone, he became a leech, draining his victim of all strength and slowly taking over their mind.

"Loki," Thanos said in greeting.

"Mighty Thanos," he responded. Loki bowed respectfully before your father and then before you and your sisters, as he had been ordered to. His eyes didn't linger on you any longer than they did Gamora.

"Tomorrow you are to go to Earth," Thanos said, "and begin your mission. Your army will successfully destroy the people of the planet and make room for my purpose. I want to be clear of what is expected of you."

"Yes," Loki said, "I understand. It is clear."

"Failure is not an option, boy."

"I will not fail," Loki said. "I have prepared for this by the grace of your mercy."

"If you do," Thanos continued, "you will undergo the most painful death imaginable. It will not come fast and it will not come with mercy. You will be at my disposal."

"Yes," he agreed.

You turned away. You couldn't stand to look at Loki as he signed his life away to the monster that was your father.

Loki gulped and looked at you, a flash of panic in his eyes.

Your father looked down at you. "Is something wrong, daughter?" he asked.

"No, father," you said quickly.

"Do you worry for the Frost Giant?" he asked, his voice mocking.

"No," you said. You looked into Loki's eyes and held your breath.

"Hm," your father said. He leaned back in his throne. "Nebula, I think it's time you gave your sister an opportunity to please me. Get up, ___, and face your sister."

"She's not trained in combat," Gamora said. "You can't-"

"I can and I ordered it to be done." He reached down and stroked your hair. "Go on, Little One."

You shuddered at the hand of a murderer...

You got to your feet, knowing quite well that this was your punishment. Your father knew. He knew, he knew, he knew...

Or he didn't know, and he was waiting to see if Loki would step out and stop what could possibly happen-

And that worried you, because you knew what he told you again and again: I will keep you safe no matter the cost.

Let me die, you thought. Let me die in his place.

Nebula pinned you to the ground and grabbed a fistful of your hair. There was regret in her eyes but also fiery desire to just win, to finally make him proud-

Her hand wrapped around your neck and she squeezed, let you go to gasp, and punched you three times. Then she choked you again until you saw stars.

"Alright, stop!" Loki shouted, stepping forward. "Just let her go."

Nebula let go of you. Your father smiled. You closed your eyes.

You fool, you thought, and then you got up on your feet, grabbed one of Nebula's knives, and plunged it into your father's stomach.

Because if anyone was getting killed, it would be you.

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