10 | the media

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The news is so biased that pretty much no matter what you read you won't be getting the full story. It's pathetic. It's sad and it needs to change. The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Buzzfeed and the Washington Post are the most biased news sources and also the most popular news sources. Take everything those sources say with a grain of salt.

Journalism isn't about supporting backwards deals with politicians and it isn't about money. It's about educating the populace and bringing issues that are hidden to the table. It's not about getting Trump out of office and it's certainly not about publishing "facts" you know to be false or close enough to false that the truth sounds like a completely different story. Journalism isn't about drama, but it is now, and modern media is turning into tabloids.

Biased news sources hide parts of the truth, whether it be to save their own backs or to save their political side. The news isn't being "revolutionized," but destroyed and crumbled. The essence of journalism is the revelation of truth to the public, not lying to the public. Biased news sources leave out key facts of stories and their owners are so focused on being "politically accurate" that they censor their own stories for their own benefit. That isn't freedom of the press. It's freedom of the oppressed.

Freedom of the press wasn't made for the governor, it was made for the governed. Freedom of speech protects the voices no one agrees with, the voices that aren't meant to be heard but may hold answers or explanations to contemporary America's problems. Silencing either of these not only silences the American spirit, but it silences the voices of Americans. It deprives the American people of knowledge, and deprivation of knowledge is deprivation of power.

To summarize, modern American media must be changed to preserve the rights of Americans. It's nearly impossible to find an unbiased news source anymore. The reason for this is because the American people are so used to hearing what they want to hear that they shun facts and prefer to be ignorant.

Biased news sources have fueled American's ignorance of facts and has caused the movement of emotion over logic, especially among Millenials and Generation Z. A majority of these two up and coming generations live in theoretical worlds, choosing to ignore the reality of facts to prefer the naïve nature of biased news sources. America is losing sight of the dream it was founded on because of this. Rather than hardwork and blood and tears and passion being valued, the aforementioned are almost frowned upon. Generosity and selfless are no longer important, instead putting oneself above others is of the upmost importance. Why is this? Biased news sources (particularly of the liberal nature, since there is only one major biased conversation network) feed propaganda to Millenials and Generation Z convincing them that America is botched and that egocentrism is the moral route.

News flash, Millenials and Generation Z, we're all in this together. It's not about me, it's about we. This isn't a theoretical world where everyone will follow the law, much as we might wish it to be. This is reality, this is America, and the only ones capable of ruining this country are you.

Biased news sources spread propaganda that is tearing apart the country into two sides. It destroys the message of unity and teamwork and hinders the dream of success for all by victimizing portions of the population.

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