Some romantic story

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The sound of a bird cawed outside the window. Stretching, I accidentally kicked my lover, eating a loud groan from them. I sat up, stretching my arms, then stood. My feet quietly hit the wooden floor as I walked to my lovers side of the bed and kissed them as an apology, then went into the kitchen, the sounds of awake humans outside. I smiled softly as I put a kettle of water on the stove to heat. Grabbing the pan, I began making breakfast, a quiet hum sounding from mouth. Two arms snaked around my waist, a head resting atop of me. I smiled, mumbling out a good morning. I merely got a yawn in response, along with a tired kiss. The lover swayed slightly, letting go and sitting at the table with their head resting atop of their hand, eyes closed with a small smile on their face. Their hair stood in awkward places, opening one of their eyes ever so lightly, a black orb watched my every move.

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