Why I stayed

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A loud sigh is heard as they looked behind themself at the group of friends. A small group, having three people on the couch. They looked at other and nodded, pressing play. Quickly, they moved to sit comfortably on the couch. Static was heard through the room, then an image. It seemed frozen, but then started playing."hey. It's me, no need to explain further as you can tell by my voice who I am. You might be wondering on why you got this disc. It's very simple, as you know, recently, I died. I knew that there wasn't enough time for me to send everything, so this was easier." A soft smile appeared on her features "And if you're watching this. You're one of the reasons that kept me alive." A quiet cough was heard, small tapping from the keyboard, then quiet music played in the background."I dislike being alone in the quiet, it makes the thoughts wander too much. Oh wait! These thoughts should stay since I'll be dead soon." A laugh, painful and tired. The smile appeared one more, a tear or two running down their face then it stopped. "To my beloved Space Mother. Jesus, space Ma, you sucked at cheering me up but you stayed. You stayed with me till the very end. We had so much in common, art, fandoms, YouTubers, thoughts on people! Just everything, you stayed by me and understood! God, you were amazing, funny, beautiful. Also, I love you so much. You can't fight me now since I'm gone and it wouldn't be fair to fight a ghost." Space mother was tearing up, getting comfort from down to earth mother. "Next, Earth Mother. Earth mother, we met long ago. We fell for each other but stayed as friends. Though, we had our differences it still worked out, we still had fun and hung out. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Heck,without  you, I wouldn't have the people I'm friends with!" A laugh" oops, did you hear that? That was in the past. I wouldn't have been friends with the people I know." A sob, The two mothers grieved, holding each other. The third and forth fidgeted in place, uncomfortable, prepared for the emotional roller coaster. "My cousin. Hah, fuck you. I'm just joking, I love you. So much. Please, don't give up, believe in yourself, don't fuck anything up, for me. Good luck with your future crushes, remember that you're as beautiful as Shrek and your life isn't oger yet. I love you hoe." The cousin laughed, uncomfortable, sad, and tired. They attempted to make themselves smaller as the last person got their message." You've made it this far, eh? Was gettin worried that my voice was boring you. Last but not least. You. You.. Jesus Christ, I hated myself. So fucking much. But meeting you? Oh god, I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself was like. I never wanted to leave your side, I wanted to stay by with, have a family, grow together! Please, do me a favor. This goes for you all. Please, do not end it. Life is a fight that everyone's going through, and sadly, I gave up. My mother always did complain about me being lazy."a pained laugh, they looked down at their lap" nice, I accidentally hurt myself with the table leg." They looked back up and smiled" I love you guys so much, and I love you the most, my beautiful Sunflower. Please, stay alive for me." She smiled, one last time, tears rolling down her face. Footsteps were heard outside and banging on the door "goodbye everyone. I'll be there with you, alright? Please, don't forget about me." They watched her fall out of the screen and the door being opened widely. Just like that, the video ended. Slowly, everyone let out of a breath they didn't even realize they were holding. The mothers held onto each toned, crying. The cousin and the Lover merely sat in silence, in their own minds thinking over what happened. That is, until the static was heard again. This time, no image, just darkness. A voice was heard, quiet peaceful music in the background."I know that this is stupid, but, I know you guys will miss my voice, laugh, face, my eyes. So.. I made this." The darkness disappeared and she sat still. "So.. wanna hear a fun fact?" A wide smile took over her features as she asked the question. The other laughed quietly, one or two of them giving a slight nod. Like that, they stayed in the living room, watching the video and their friend that was no longer with them.

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