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A dark silhouette slunk closer as my blurred vision came into focus. I could feel something tying me down to the cold metal chair, and when I attempted to reply, what I assumed was duct tape prevented me from opening my mouth.

I was in a dark room, but if I squinted I could see a wardrobe to my left.

"I said get up!"
As the unknown figure got closer, I could just make out a tall woman with dark hair untying the ropes around my ankles. She looked up at me and I gasped.

I knew this girl. A familiar feeling of deja vu washed over me. She ripped the tape off my mouth, not caring about the pain it caused me.
"W-who are you?"
I stuttered, nearly speechless, not to mention scared shitless. She ignored me. "Why am I t-tied up?" She ignored that too.

I felt a sudden mix of anger and fear bubble up inside me and next thing I knew, I was shouting at her.
She just smirked and pulled me outside.
"You'll find out soon enough. But for now, Ms Edwards would like to see you."
Ms Edwards?
That name sounded oddly familiar. Is she the one who brought me here? And this other woman helped her?
I closed my eyes and pinched myself.
It's okay, when you wake up, you'll be home in bed in your Minnie Mouse pyjamas and it'll all just be a dream.
I opened my eyes.
The dark haired woman stared at me like I was insane. Now that we were in the light, I could clearly see her. She had long, dark brown hair and green-hazel eyes. Her makeup was flawless and she wore a tight black dress, showing off her curves. I let out a small groan of frustration.


The small coffee shop was crowded, like it normally is during peak hour. I was in my usual spot by the window with my mocha. My friend Harry manages here, so I get perks.
I worked at the bakery across the road, and spent most of my free time here, with my headphones and laptop. Born and raised in Brooklyn, I'm not exactly wealthy. Not struggling either, just comfy. My one-bedroom apartment isn't exactly Million Dollar Listing worthy, but it's nice enough.
The familiar tingle of the bell broke me out of my daydream, because this time- compared to the million other times, there was shouting and yelling accompanying it.
"Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here?" Harry yelled from his spot behind the coffee machine.
"Nothing to worry about, sir." A husky female voice made me snap my head to the entrance, where a blonde woman was hidden by several large, bulky bodyguards, who were previously pushing and shouting their way through the shop.
She was gorgeous. Beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, whatever synonym takes your liking.
"Boys, stay back, I'm ordering coffee, it's not a high risk activity." She instructed her bodyguards.
"Ms Edwards, we must insist, there are many potential enemies here in Brooklyn." The presumably lead bodyguard took a step forward, but she held out a finger to stop him and marched towards the order counter, standing tall in her five inches.
I watched her not so subtly as she ordered her cappuccino. She was leaning against the pick up counter, examining her nails.
She wasn't famous, just rich, I concluded. I didn't recognise her, and I don't think anyone else did either.
"Perrie!" Another woman hurried into the coffee shop, her dark hair bouncing. "Where have you been? I told you not to leave Manhattan, not today."
The blonde rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Calm down Jes, you're my manager, not my mom." Gesturing to the small shop, she added, "This is the best coffee in New York, after all," Harry grinned in the background.
"Yeah, well I'm also your best friend! Now come on, we don't have much time left." Her friend turned on her heel and marched out of the coffee shop. The smirking blonde just picked up her cappuccino and followed. We accidentally made eye contact on her way out, and her eyes lingered on me, looking me up and down as if she was scanning me.
"Perrie!" Her friend/manager/whoever she was whined from the doorway. She winked at me, still smirking and followed the other woman outside.
"Perrie Edwards" I whispered, still processing what had just happened

hey guys, this is the first chapter! it took a while, ik but i was trying to make it as perfect as i could. i purposely didn't mention the name of the character who's pov it is, because i was still debating whether this should be jerrie or lerrie. so lmk in the comments who you would rather and I'll add it in future chapters! thanks for reading xoxo 💕

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