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Beacon, 1942, end of the year...

Beacon Academy got attack by the horde of Grimms who led by Wyvern. The largest dragon Grimm ever existed. Beacon's pupils too weak to fight them and so the senior. They never prepare for this.

Ruby slice the Beowulves with her scythes. "There too many of them!" yell Ruby to her teammates.

Her teammates agree with her. There too many of them. They pray someone could save them.

Suddenly, they heard something from the dark stormy skies. Sound like it diving. They look up and notice.... An aircraft..?

The Germans are here. Weiss smile to it. Her pray finally been answer.

(Y) spoke over the radio. "Drop ze bomb now!"

"Copy zat!" said the pilot.

The pilot obey his lieutenant and drop the bomb. The bomb hit souch Grimms until it send them flying from the ground. Not just bombing but also shooting the Air Grimms.

Ameer speak to (Y). "Lieutenant, our tanks and troopers are ready."

(Y) nod. "Good. Now, let forward to Beacon Academy!" said (Y). He saw Ameer prepare his rifle after 5 seconds. "Whoa, zat fast!"

"I'm Combat Ready, Lieutenant!" said Ameer.

(Y) just smile. Later on, he enter the Panzer and take command. "Ze Grimms about to lay Zier foots into Beacon Academy! Stop zem before it too late!" said (Y) to his squads and troopers.

Later at Vale, Austrian,Hungarian and the Ottomans fighting against the White Fang on the street.

One Turks yelling. "Shoot them! Don't let them pass!"

One faunus terrorist tried to kill him instead get shot by Lukas.

"Focus, Private! The terrorist are too many!" said Lukas.

Agi came. "Lukas, the White Fang are too many! I think we should retreat."

Lukas look to the battle infront of him before look at him again. "Tell our squads and the troopers to retreat to our fortress. We need to wipe them off by our defence."

Agi obey and do what he told. He shout "Retreat! Retreat!" then their squads and the others fall back to the fortress. As soon they arrive, Austrian, Hungarian, Ottomans and Germans shooting the White Fang nearby by using the sentry. About 5000 faunus died in there and it really brutal.

(Y) commanding his squads to take down all the Grimms from getting inside Beacon. Suddenly, a tower fall down.

(Y) said. "Oh s--"

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