Chapter I: The Fight

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(Y) open his eyes a little. So many dust on his face so he wipe it off. He look around and notice many of his men died after the fall of the tower. (Y) stood up and took the rifle from a dead man. (Y) make a couple of steps to not trigger the Grimms nearby. He objective is simple. Saving lives as a Central powers soldiers.

(Y) look to the left and notice couple of Grimm sniffing or hunting a mortal lifes. (Y) look to the right, well there a grimms. Suddenly, He felt a breathing came from behind. It Ursa.

(Y): shit.

The Ursa try to kill him instead getting burn from molotov by Ameer.

(Y):*smile* Ameer, jou're alive!

Ameer: And so you too, lieutenant.

Anyway, those two trigger the grimms from both ways. It not a good idea to throw a bad idea.

Ameer: Run!

(Y) and Ameer run to the field then into Cafeteria and lock the door.

Ameer: I think we--


The German and the Turk look behind and saw Blake got stab by Adam Taurus with his Katana while Yang faint by after her arm getting cut off.

Adam: Look like there another two humans will die tonight! Prepare yourself!!

Ameer: *look to (Y)* (Y), go help them. I will fight him.

(Y) don't want to leave his men alone but since it urgent and their objective to save people, he had to leave him alone. (Y) grab Blake and Yang out from Cafeteria.

Adam: I think you from the Ottoman. I thought Turkish are faunus because it sound like Turkey people. *Raise his sword*

Ameer: Turkish is Turkish. Arabs is Arabs. But I'm half Arab half Turk! RAAAAARGH!!!!

Ameer sent a punch to Adam but he dodge. Adam use his katana to slice him but Ameer fast dodging and punch Adam in the guts.

Adam: F-- Damn Human!

Ameer send a knee to his face really hard until Adam fall into pit of fire.

Adam: GAAAH!!! You, filthy human!

Ameer: Die, you terrorist.

Ameer leave Adam like that and head his way to find other survivor especially Ruby.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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