I kinda understand yet I dont.... help me.

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I was recently told by @rivermountinvalley(really hope I spelled that right), that I was natural born neko, I don't understand though, I know they mean I was born a neko, I just don't know how. All cats I meet become very cuddly with me emediatly(except one), but I don't understand how they know I was born a neko, please tell me.

Also I was sitting in class (pretty obvious)and I leaned into angle where my tailbone was touch in the chair, and I felt something move, I've never done a full shift ever so I don't know why that happened. Another thing, I was sitting in class feeling sick I havnt listened to my subliminal in almost a day so I did and I felt dizzy and I had a headache.(it could have been the bright lights.)

But from what I told in the last chap, I don't understand how they knew.

Any who that'll be all for today see ya in the next chap.

MY REBELLION AGAINST THE AWTOK Always Watching The Other Kind PLEASE JOINWhere stories live. Discover now