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Park Soojung's POV

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Park Soojung's POV

The week went by until there was only another week left before finals and break. Studying with Daniel and Seongwoo has by far been a breeze. They get loud and hyper at times but, nonetheless they've been catching onto the lessons pretty well. So far, I haven't studied with Jinyoung yet, which is unlike us. We always study together a couple weeks before finals and now there's only a week left. I wonder if he's been doing any studying at all, I haven't asked him. He was busy with other things the past week such as his mom needing his help, suddenly not feeling well, and even eating at food stalls without me.

Today's Sunday and Jinyoung and I haven't really talked since we walked home together on Friday. After he apparently, ran some errands, he waited for me to finish studying with Daniel and Seongwoo, but he didn't bother going inside to study with us.

hey are u up?

jinyoung it's 6 pm on
a sunday. of course
i'm up.

just thought u were taking
one of ur 6 hr naps.
can u come over?

what for??

my parents are going
out tonight and i need
help to look after my siblings

ok i'll be right there

It's been a while since we last looked after his younger sister and brother. His parents usually trusted me more and wouldn't leave the two children alone with him. Every time we look after them, we just end up either going to a nearby mart to munch on snacks or have Jinyoung entertain the three of us the whole night.

"Oh, Jinyoung! Soojung's here." Jinyoung's mom called out to Jinyoung. She looks like she hasn't aged a day after her teen years, she's very pretty, "I'm sorry we had to call you on a Sunday, dear." She smiled apologetically as I removed my shoes and entered their home.

"Oh no, it's fine. I wasn't doing anything next door anyway." I assured her.

Jinyoung showed up and stood next to me, "Well if you guys need anything, be sure to give us a call, alright?" Jinyoung's father tells us as he put on his coat before going out the door.

"Jinyoung, you know what to do. We'll be back soon." Jinyoung's mom quickly kissed her son on the cheek before going out the door as well. Jinyoung quietly groaned.

"Take care!" I wave as their car left, "So, mommy's boy, where are the two rascals?" I ask, messing up his hair.

"They're still in the midst of their nap. What do you wanna do?" He asks as I sit on the couch.

"I don't know," I mumbled. He comes back from the kitchen and throws me a yogurt drink, "Tell me about your date with Jihyun."

"It wasn't a date," he threw his head back in frustration as he sat across from me. I've been teasing him about going on a date with her ever since, "I told you. It wasn't that fun."

"Alright fine. If it wasn't a date, why was it only the two of you then?" I asked, raising my brow at him.

"Is that a problem?" He set his drink down on the table, "We always hang out with just the two of us."

"That's different, Jinyoung. You know that." I say.

"How's that any different?" He sat cross legged and faced me.

"Well, we're just friends," I started, "And we've known each other for so long, of course it's different." I shrugged.


"Oppa, I'm hungry." Jinae, Jinyoung's younger sister walked into the living room rubbing her eyes. She then saw me and her pout turned into a smile, "Soojung unnie!" She shouted before running onto my lap and giving me a hug, "I missed you!"

"I missed my Jinae too," I pinched her cheeks. She looked a lot like Jinyoung's mom. Nowhere near Jinyoung though, except maybe for the eyes, "Is Jinwoo still sleeping?" I ask her and she nodded. "How 'bout we wake him up and go to the mart?" I ask again and her eyes lit up. She stood up and grabbed my arm, leading me to her and Jinwoo's room. I let Jinae wake Jinwoo up on her own and after he was up, the three of us walked out into the living room as I carried Jinwoo who was excited.

"Jinae, wear your jacket." Jinyoung motioned Jinae to go over to him by the door. He helped her get into her jacket and shoes as I did the same with Jinwoo.

The four of us walked to a nearby mart on the next block. The kids, as soon as they got into the store, went straight for the ice cream cooler. I chased after them, "I don't think you can have ice cream yet! You haven't had dinner." I tell them and they looked up at me pouting.

"Can we have chicken?" Jinwoo asked, his words broken. I laughed at how adorable he was. Jinwoo looks exactly like Jinyoung.

"We'll ask your hyung okay?" I ruffled his hair and turned back to call Jinyoung over but he was talking to someone on the phone. I walked up to him with the two kids holding my hands and waited as he finished talking to whoever it was on the phone.

"Thursday?" Thursday's the day before finals, we should be studying together by then,"... okay... I'll see you then." He says before hanging up and putting his phone away.

"What's on Thursday?" I look at him confused, expecting him to remember that finals is on the day after.

"Jihyun needs some help in studying math for finals. She called to ask me for help." He says and carried Jinwoo who was tugging at his brother's sweater.

My mouth formed a small 'o', "But," I started and he looked at me, "We always study together for finals." I tell him and he sighs.

"Weren't you also the one that said if I kept hanging around you, I would never get to date?" My mind suddenly flashed back to our phone call last Monday.

"Ah, right.." I say and for a few seconds, there was silence between us, "Uh the kids want chicken for dinner. Your mom gave you cash right?" I ask him and he nods.

We then walked to the nearest chicken place in the neighborhood. He and Jinwoo in front of Jinae and I as I try to think over things. I'm just making a big deal out of this, right? It's not like Jinyoung can only study with me and I can only study with him. Plus, I can always study with Daniel and Seongwoo now.

"Soojung noona is so slow!" Jinwoo pointed to me, disturbing my thoughts and Jinyoung looked back.

"You okay, slowpoke?" He asked as he stopped in his tracks, "You seem tired, you should try carrying Jinwoo!" He says sarcastically and messes up my hair in the process.

"I'm fine, just hungry too." I say and continue walking with Jinae in hand.

And just like that, our Sunday night ended. We ate at the chicken place. I distracted myself by focusing my attention on Jinae and Jinwoo rather than Jinyoung. Jinyoung didn't seem to mind and at around 10, once we put the kids back to sleep, I decided I'd go home instead of munching on snacks with Jinyoung like we usually would.

"You're going already?" He asks as he saw me put on my hoodie.

"Mhm, I'm tired. They were too active today." I reply, putting on my shoes.

"Aw fine. I'll see you tomorrow?" He stretches his arms and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Of course you will," I mumble and he looks at me confused, "Goodnight" I pat his head and smile at him before heading out the door and he shouts a 'goodnight' before heading back inside.

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