Hating Intimacy- Chapter 10

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"I ruined you."


Ten Years Later

Dustin's P.O.V

I stepped out of my car and glanced at my destination with nothing but a heavy heart and unsteady tears. Picking up my flowers I made my way into the cemetery in slow strides, I went through the familiar path I've grown accustomed to the past few years.

I kept the single white lily on her grave and went on my knees then placed a shaking hand on her tomb stone letting the words sink in.

'Don't be afraid to try and fail, it shows you are human. Don't give up even when you're going to fall, it shows you are strong'

I took in a deep breath and smiled at the words with watery eyes. Her braveness and strength shook everyone that day, it hurt to know we lost someone so dear to us.

Even if we stopped talking because of what happened I still consider her my friend no matter what.

"Hey, what are you doing here Dustin?" I looked up at my wife and notice the wavering smile she held on her face.

"Today marks the tenth year anniversary of her death." I say as I turn back to the grave.

"I know." She replies. "How can I ever forget. She saved my life and her's was taken away right after." She says and kneels next to me. I placed my hand round her waist and pulled her to me for comfort. "I wish she told me she had cancer. I shouldn't have been so selfish with my problems. I-"

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault Deborah." I assure her. She lets out a sigh and placed her white lilies on the grave. We both stare back at the tomb stone in silence. I suddenly felt a warm presence beside me and caught Deborah quickly wipe a tear from the corner of my eye.

"I miss you Amy."

AUTHORS NOTE Boom goes the dynamite!

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Boom goes the dynamite!

Yes guys! Deborah didn't die and ended up getting married to Dustin after many years of problems, reconciliation and drama.

Amy died.

I think Amy did her part well and was a great friend.

Do you like the way it ended?

Did you expect it to be Amy who died?

Should I make a playlist?

This goes to all the girls going through heartbreaks right now. You can get over it. Don't be like Deborah who wasn't as strong as she should have been. Don't let a boy define who you are.

The best way to find the perfect guy is by being yourself, that way when you find someone he would like you for who you are and not who you want to be.

There will be a spinoff. Check out the title named spinoff for more information!

Thanks you for reading this book. It means the world to me🙂


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