C h a p t e r 1: Time to Go

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[Stella's POV]

"MOOOOOM!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I am going crazy. I am running from the kitchen to my bedroom and then back to the kitchen only to realize that I didn't get anything I was suppose to get from my room. Crap. I can't be late. This is the day I leave to go to Los Angeles.

I scream from the end of the staircase."My flight is in 2 hours! We can't be late!" She's still not answering. She's probably staying up hoping that I will miss my flight if she can stall longer.

I run up the wooden stairs...aaaand trip. Now there's the clumsy Stella I was waiting for. After yelling at the floor for hurting me, I manage to pick myself up and get past the rest of the painful, wooden steps.

I approach the door to my mother's room. "Mom, please..."

"I know, sweetie. I mean...do you really have to leave? Life in Boston is great! Oh and since you're here, let me show you something...you just might want to stay..." She pulls out her phone and shows me an advertisement.

"A trip to Greece?! You know I can't. Work starts in a week and I can't afford to miss working for Nathaniel West. If I don't go now, I might never leave." I look at her and realize that I just gave her even more reason to get me to stay.

"Well...now, that's not a bad thing after all. It's settled then. You're staying." She picks up her phone and herself off the floor. She then plops herself on the bed and begins to watch Magic Mike. I roll my eyes. This can't be happening right now.

I look at her with a sour expression and she laughs. "Mom, I'm being serious! If you won't take me to the airport, we can say our goodbyes and just so you know, I am very capable of driving myself to the airport." I stare at her with frustration waiting for her to come to her senses.

As her laugh dies down, she realizes that it's time. "Okay, but before we go, just give me one last hug in this house." I walk towards her and give her the biggest hug I've ever given. She returns the favor and squeezes me even harder.

I pull myself away from her. If I didn't, we would never leave. "Okay, mom. Let's go."

We make our way down the stairs, she grabs the keys, and we head out the door.


Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 112 to Los Angeles. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

I hug my mom one final time. She gives me the squeezing-to-death kind of hug. And the funny thing is...It kinda comforts me.

I let go but before I can leave, I cry...a lot. It feels like a fucking tsunami just came out of my freaking eyes and I can't stop.

Then just as I calm myself down, my mom unleashes the loudest cry ever. And the whole room is turns towards us and the room is silent.

"Mom..." I whisper gently to get her to calm down. "Mom, everyone is watching. Don't worry. I will be fine and I will call you as soon as I get there. I will tell you all about the horrible plane bathrooms and the disgusting water that they serve to those innocent, innocent people. " Get to the point Stella.

"I have to go," I say as I cup my hands around her face. I wave goodbye. I turn and walk away and I don't look back.


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