C h a p t e r 2: Damn.

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[Stella's POV]

Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 112 to Los Angeles. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

I hug my mom one final time. She gives me the squeezing-to-death kind of hug. And the funny thing is...It kinda comforts me.

I let go but before I can leave, I cry...a lot. It feels like a fucking tsunami just came out of my freaking eyes and I can't stop.

Then just as I calm myself down, my mom unleashes the loudest cry ever. And the whole room is turns towards us and the room is silent.

"Mom..." I whisper gently to get her to calm down. "Mom, everyone is watching. Don't worry. I will be fine and I will call you as soon as I get there. I will tell you all about the horrible plane bathrooms and the disgusting water that they serve to those innocent, innocent people. " Get to the point Stella.

"I have to go," I say as I cup my hands around her face. I wave goodbye. I turn and walk away and I don't look back.


"Oh my fucking goodness," I violently whisper to myself as I slam the plane tickets on my thigh. How long does this take? I'm not even close to the front of the line. I haven't even showed them my boarding pass yet!

I look back to see if my mom is still there...and I see something else that I can't quite fathom. Something--no, someone-- so fine that I can't quite grasp what I'm looking at. I eye him up and down several times as he's organizing his luggage. His dirty blonde hair caresses his built-up, hard face, but before I can admire his damning features any longer, he pushes the hair out of his face only to let it fall back into place. He curses under his breath.

I must've been daydreaming for a while because he looks up straight at me. Oh holy fuck. He nods his head forward, then looks back at me. What the hell is he trying to tell me? I look forward and notice that I am in the front of the line now. Just 20 feet back from the boarding gate. Great. I held up the line and embarrassed myself in front of...him.

"Oh. Sorry about that." I blush as I turn away. I just want to run away and get on the plane before I embarrass myself any further.

"Whatever. Wanna move or should I just go ahead and move up myself?" He looks at me with his beautiful face but with the most stone-cold expression I had ever seen. His voice contains bitterness like someone just beat his ass not long ago.

Damn. I think to myself. Why am I so attracted to him. He's an asshole but it doesn't bother me one fucking bit.

I snap back into reality. "Seat 32B," the flight attendant says as she hands me back my boarding pass. I nod and walk towards the entrance. As I look back, I hear the flight attendant say to the gorgeous-man-of-an-asshole behind me, "Seat 32A. Enjoy your flight."

Oh shit. My heart sinks.


He pulls up next to me and places his luggage into the compartment above my head. His shirt lifts up revealing a muscular body that I can't take my eyes off of. But that luggage must be heavy because his muscles are flexin'. Oh my gosh, I laugh to myself. Stella. Stop. Stop.

I attempt to look at him one more time, only, he catches me and returns an emotionless face as he returns to put his luggage into the overhead bin. Take your time. Take. Your. Time.

Who tf am I? If I spoke whatever was on my mind at the moment to anyone who really knew me, they'd think I was an imposter. And I would agree because my mind, right about now, is unbelievably reckless.

He sits back down next to me and pulls out his cell phone. It's an iPhone X. Of course! A perfect fit for a guy like him. I turn away and look around because I am bored out of my mind--apparently not. I catch a flight attendant turning her head to look at him twice before walking towards him, stopping and glaring at him like he's screwed her before.

He looks at her confused and smirks as if he forgot and then remembered who she was. "Hey babe...Courtney, right?" he laughs. She doesn't. "What's up? Couldn't get enough? Hey, I know. I have that effect on every girl." She doesn't laugh or smile. And she doesn't react harshly because she works here. But the way he says 'every girl' confirms my suspicions that he talks to every girl like this.

She holds her breath and closes her eyes for what seems like an eternity and then opens them with an even colder glare than before. She puts her hands behind her back in a formal fashion. "Electronics are prohibited from being used while the plane is taking off and landing. If you could please restrain from using it until we are up in the air, we would greatly appreciate it."

As she turns on her black heels to walk away, he says, "Not a chance, sweetheart." Oh my goodness. This guy is just asking for trouble. Is it weird that his cockiness makes me smile? I stop myself. Stella, he's a fuckboy. Don't fall for his looks, it's a game to get any--and every girl-- to sleep with him. And plus, he's treating that girl like shit. I mean, it's one thing to sleep with him but it's a whole other thing for him to leave without calling.

She snatches his phone, stares him dead in the eye, and says, "I am not going to repeat myself... Mr. Carter West." Damn. Even his name is attractive.

He shivers. Weird for a guy like him, but it satisfied me to see him feel how she felt. Intimidated.

She hands him back his phone in a rushed manner and turns on her heels once again, leaving a trace of cold, hard silence.

I smile. Take that, asshole.


[A/N]: Okay guys! Slow start but remember, this is still the beginning. Who knows, maybe Carter and Stella will be friends...or maybe more than friends. Only time will tell.

Also, the chapter updates will occur sporadically until my school ends for the year. So sorry!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote!

Love, Briar Rose

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