Star's (Dream?) Pt 2

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while! I just kinda got caught up in reading and watching things, and I also didn't really feel inspired to write anything at the moment. My apologies. I hope this makes up for it. 

Star's P.O.V

Everything blurred, and soon, I arrived at the mysterious destination. As I inspected my surroundings, it became quite clear to me that we were at the beach, the sun setting slowly behind the glistening ocean water. Yes, I know this is definitely a dream now, so things won't really confuse me as much as they did before. I try to walk towards the ocean shore,  but something is still attached to my arm, pulling me back a bit. Looking behind me, I immediately get reminded that Tom is still there, and what made me the slightest bit uncomfortable, was that Tom was staring directly at me, all his eyes showing kindness. 

"Hahaha...." I nervous chuckle escaped my lips," So, Dream Tom, what ya want to do know? Walk around, talk, watch the sunset?" 

Tom slowly let's go of my arm, and in it's place, a rose appears out of some flames.

"Ok thennnn....A rose is nice too." I smile softly and take the rose. Taking slow steps, I sit down, just infront of the shore, just a little bit further away so the water won't get me, and Tom follows.  It was really quiet for a while, just us staring at the sun set, though I must note, it wasn't really setting, or moving at all. To break the silence, I start a conversation again, which actually seems a tad strange, since this is all in my mind anyway, sooooo I'm kinda talking to myself. Yay Star, talking to yourself like a crazy person.

"Pretty right?" I question Tom, my gaze drifting from the sun to him. 

He looks at me, and gives me a small smile, "You sure are." 

Immediately,  I blush unknowingly, and quickly say, " So are you dream Tom, well, I mean you look good too, not pretty, but...yeah," I kinda awkwardly laugh, which doesn't help me in this situation. I should remember that I'm talking to myself, so do I want dream Tom to say this to me? Hmmm....i don't know.

I look back at the sun, and enjoy this moment for what it is. This moment got interrupted though, when the floating smell of Nachos filled my nose, and I immediately wanted to get up to pester Marco about making some, or has he already!?  I turn to look at dream Tom one last time, or until the next time I see him, and was planning to bid him a good-bye, when suddenly, his lips met mine. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it, but what was my mind thinking when this was happening! Do I really like Tom that much, is it just how my brain imagines Tom? Oh never mind, I close my eyes for a moment, and once I open them, I sigh in relief as I am greeted by my familiar surroundings. I slowly sit up, and stretch, until that ever so tempting smell of Nachos re-entered my mind. 

I smile, and slowly get out of bed, but not before having that memory of Tom's kiss. I think for a second of what this dream was telling me, or should I say urging me to do, until I finally made up my mind. 'After breakfast, well, if Marco left me some of those delicious Nachos, I'll call Tom and see if he wants to, ya know, hang out." I smile a soft smile, and head downstairs, where in the corner of my eye, I see...

The pile of Nachos!

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