Star Is Having A Bad Day.

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A/N: Sorry for not writing for sooooooo long. I sometimes (most of the time) procrastinate. So, this will be a more Marco vs Tom chapter. Enjoy!

"Uhhhhhh....Marco!" Star slurred our, raising a hand in  the air, making it seem as if she's reaching out to him.

"Yeah Star?" Marco replied, already sitting next to her on her bed.

Star looked over at Marco and blinked slowly; coughing a dramatic cough soon after. Her little hearts on the sides of her cheeks turned a pale green color and her eyes watered due to the intense pain she felt all over. Marco gave her a sympathetic look.

"I'm guessing you want some soup?" Marco spoke happily, already standing up and walking to the door.

"No, I want Nachos Mar-" 

"No Star, Nachos will only ever be eaten when we are both healthy, ok?" Marco shot her a kind smile while Star, though visibly looking sick, tried to look menacing. Marco chuckled lowly and stepped out the door, heading towards the kitchen to make Star a simple tomato soup.


I lay there, like a limp noodle, my whole body aching. Getting sick is the worst, and I really want those nachos! I look around my room a bit, trying to amuse myself, when suddenly I had a great idea.

"My spell book!" Though my words came out surprisingly unenthusiastic, I still thought I sounded happy, in a way.

Authors note: It's 2022 now. I know, I know...I haven't updated in years, and I'm sorry. These past few years have been absolutely terrible, and I just never had the motivation to continue. And I most likely won't either. I see the stories that I have written, as ancient artefacts now, which shouldn't messed around with too much. However, I did find this draft. Soooo, here is the start of what was meant to be a short story.... Enjoy? And thank you all again, for having read this book :) It means a lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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