Chapter 2 my friends

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Okay how cool was that the first chapter. Anyway back to business.

These are my friends as you can see at the top of the chapter. The friend on the right is my friend Zaveon. he is the most trusted friend that i can count on. In the middle is my friend la'shell she is my other friend Zack's sister and but we don't hardly talk that much this year. My other friend Hyper Jaws also known as Quan he is my friend Zaveon's brother he also have a you tube channel. and yes I already said the name of his channel to.

So let me start with how i met all of these wonderful people I talked about. so last year at the first few weeks of 7th grade i saw the very first friend which was zaveon. he came in my class and i didn't talk to him until 2nd block thats when i was tired of my class mates. i went to the very back of the class. and then i said " pss hey I like your drawing." and then he said Zaveon : "Thanks" and Then I said " I'm Pebbles " and then he said shaking my hand " I'm zaveon " and then we sent the whole day talking to each other .

Then the next two days I met zack and let me tell you how. so we was in our first block class. and we was going to do a assignment and was going to work in groups so I raise my hand and said "can I move my seat" and then I did. and then zack was in the other seat across me and Zaveon was sitting right by me. And then we started working that's when zack started ranking on Zaveon because he was reading slow and it was funny cuz just took it.

The next day Zaveon wasn't there and it was only me and zack. And that's was the day when I knew that zack gets mad easily cuz on that day zack was fighting somebody for talking about stuff that's not true. then he didn't show then it was me and zaveon. that was the day i sing Heal the world by micheal jackson. and then a few days later Zaveon said " we should all be friends" and then zack was like " I though we was already friends" and then zaveon said " i feat like we were like strangers" that's whne we started being friends.

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