My favorite things to do

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I like going to school and I like making YouTube videos. I also like art music texting my friends playing clash royale and magic tiles three.

I love going to school because I don't like being at home doing nothing.  Being bored at home is even more bored. so if you ask me what do I want to do I'll say I want to go to school. Because I don't like being bored all day at home. Plus I'm going a 180 day challenge this year what is the 180 day challenge you ask well it's well I don't ever never miss a day of school.

I love YouTube it's basically a job. Making YouTube videos it's like teaching the world and telling the world about me.

My favorite music is chainsmokers, and Michael Jackson. I love pop music and 1980's music . My favorite songs are heal the world, perfect strangers sad song and more.

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