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@ash.ley1 @loganpaul and 817,163 others
@lilliecerny: "baby boy"
@ash.ley1: HE TOUCHED THE BUTT 😉
@fan: @jakepaul ahahah
@hater: jake's hotter 🤦🏼‍♀️
@jakepaul: he's ugly ahaha
@lilliecerny: so's Erika 🤣🤣🤣
@jakepaul: @erikacostell ^
@ash.ley1: boi, u a snitch @jakepaul
@erikacostell: i'm not ugly, i'm a model
@lilliecerny: a model who starved herself
@ash.ley1: @erikacostell who made u model, the dogs home?

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