Chapter 4

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Errors POV

I watched as Ink left and when she did I started yelling at my crew to hurry up. I might be in love with Ink but I still need to be tough on my crew because if I'm not it'll not be good. Everyone will be lazy and everything that's not good. So when Inks here I'll be kind, handsome, strong, and loving young man. But when she's not here I'll be how I usually am. I walked around my ship making sure everyone was working.

Inks POV

I was exploring a sunken ship when a rock fell on my tail. I yelped in pain and I saw another mermaid coming to me. It was a merman. He pushed the rock off and started to check my tail and when he stoped and said "you should be careful" I nodded and asked "w-what's your name?" He smiled and said "Nightmare nice to meet you" "nice to meet you too" he continued to check my tail and he healed it. We said goodbye and went our separate ways. When I got to my home I was greeted by my dad not a nice way tho . "Where were you" he asked sternly "I was exploring a ship and a rock fell on my tail and someone came to help me" I responded he smiled and said "thank god I thought you  went to see humans" I nodded and went to my room and thought about Error. I sighed dreamily(?) I missed him but I had to wait a little.

---time-skip to the next time they meet---

Inks POV (still)

I snuck out when it was night and got caught in a  net. Crap! But then I realized it was Error's ship and that made me calm but the crew members just seemed to stare. I whimpered not wanting to be here it was cold I felt warm in Errors embrace. I saw Error come out and ask "WHATS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT!!??" And then he saw me and ordered them to give me to him. "Ink what are you doing here?" "Well I snuck out  to see you but I got caught in the net" I said and he just nodded and took me to his room and gently set me on his bed and kissed me. I kissed back and he licked my bottoms lip(?) I wasn't sure on what he wanted but I opened my mouth for air. He stuck in his 8(is that how many?) tongues. I accidentally let out a moan Error pulled away and smirked. I didn't like this anymore. Why was he smirking? What was he going to do? When am I going to go back home? Is he going to let me go at all? I had so many questions. He started to kiss and lick my neck.

(Lol cliffhanger....sorry)

Will I ever see you again (Pirate!Error x Mermaid!Ink)Where stories live. Discover now